The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (2024)

As you age, having dental, vision and hearing care is vital to your total health and well-being.Neglecting theseareasmaybelinkedto other health problems,such asheartissues, dementia, depression and increased risk of falls.

One majorbenefitof Medicare Advantage (MA) is that many plans offer coverage for your eyes, ears and teeth. Original Medicare, on the other hand, does not cover any routine hearing, vision or dental care. And that can get to be expensive.For many MA plans, these benefits are already included in the plan’s premium — the amount you pay each month for health coverage.

“Hearing, vision and dental care is not only important for your physical health, but can help improve your quality of life and social interactions with family and friends,” says Dr. Alena Baquet-Simpson,Executive Medical Director, Medical Affairs at Aetna.

Aetna MA plans are designed to help empower you to take care of your total health. Read on to learn more about why it’s so important to take care of your dental, vision and hearing health as you age.

Hearing care

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (1)

Hearing loss in older adults

Hearing loss is associated with increased risk of social isolation, dementia and depression.




The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (2)

Hearing loss in older adults

Hearing loss is associated with increased risk of social isolation, dementia and depression.




Hearing loss can have many physical and mental health impacts. With difficulty hearing, you may be unable to participate in conversations with family and friends. And you may avoid daily activities such as going out to the store or social events. This social isolation can eventually lead to depression.

Impaired hearing isalso stronglylinkedtoanincreased risk of dementia, includingAlzheimer’s disease.Some studies have shown thatcertainareas of the brainthat arelinkedto hearing and communication may shrinkfrom hearing loss.“With dementia, one of the ways you can protect yourself, and maybe slow the onset, is by exercising and stimulating your brain,” says Baquet-Simpson. “But when you have hearing loss, there's potentially less stimulationtothe brain.”

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (3)

Understanding hearing benefits


What’s covered:

Many MA plans cover an annual hearing exam and hearing aid fitting at no extra cost.

How it works:

For network plans, you are required to choose a health care provider within a network of providers. With direct member reimbursem*nt (DMR) plans, there are no network requirements. And you’re given an annual allowance to spend on hearing aids.

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (4)

Understanding hearing benefits


What’s covered:

Most of our MA plans cover an annual hearing exam and hearing aid fitting at noextracost through a network provider.

How it works:

Most of our plans have teamed up with NationsHearing to provide hearing exam and hearing aid benefits. You must schedule your appointment through NationsHearing. Otherwise, your hearing aids will not be covered.

If you havehearing issues, it’s important to get treatment. Hearing aids may prevent some of these health risks and helpyoubetter interact with loved ones.ManyMA plans include coverage for hearing exams and an annual allowance to help cover the cost of hearing aids.

Vision care

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (5)

Why vision health is connected to your total health

Vision loss is linked to a higher risk of falls, dementia and depression.




The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (6)

Why vision health is connected to your total health

Vision loss is linked to a higher risk of falls, dementia and depression.




As you age, you are at higher risk for vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and dry eye. You may also experience problems with seeing objects up close (farsightedness) and needing more light to see more clearly.

Vision loss in older adults is linked to increased risk of falls, dementia and depression. It affects your ability to take part in daily activities such as driving, reading the newspaper or watching television. By losing independence, you may be at higher risk for social isolation and depression. Vision loss can also impact your depth perception and balance, putting you at higher risk for falling.

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (7)

Understanding vision benefits


What’s covered:

ManyMA plans cover an annual vision exam at noextracost.

How it works:

With some plans, you can see any eye doctor within a network of providers.

For direct member reimbursem*nt (DMR) plans, there are no network requirements. And you’re given an annual allowance to spend on frames, lenses or contacts.

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (8)

Understanding vision benefits


What’s covered:

ManyMA plans cover an annual vision exam at noextracost.

How it works:

With some plans, you can see any eye doctor within a network of providers.

For plans with a direct member reimbursem*nt (DMR) benefit, there are no network requirements and you’re given an annual allowance to spend on prescription frames, lenses or contacts.

Original Medicare may cover certain services related to cataract surgery, macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, but it does not cover routine eye care. Many MA plans, however, offer coverage for an annual eye exam, as well as prescription glasses and contacts. Regular eye exams are important to help identify health problems earlier and to maintain your vision.

Dental care

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (9)

The importance of dental health

Tooth loss can impact your ability to…




Untreated gum disease is linked to other health conditions, such as…

Cardiovascular disease

Rheumatoid arthritis

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (10)

The importance of dental health

Tooth loss can impact your ability to…




Untreated gum disease is linked to other health conditions, such as…

Cardiovascular disease

Rheumatoid arthritis

Good oral health is also connected to your overall physical and mental health.Studies have shown that gum disease is closely associated with higher risk of heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis.Untreated gum disease may increase inflammation in the body, which can lead to damagetoother tissues and organs.

Maintaining healthy teeth also helps you eat a well-balanced diet.If you haveextensive tooth loss, youare less likely to eat nutritiously. That’s because you havedifficulty chewing certain high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that older adults with poor oral health are more likely to be underweight or obese. Tooth loss can also impact a person’s ability to speak, and it can lead to social isolation.

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (11)

Understanding dental benefits


Many MA plans offer three types of dental benefits:

Network coverage 

Included withintheplan:Yes

What’s covered:

Preventive services (cleaning, X-rays, exams)may becovered at 100%. 

For comprehensive services, youmaypay a portion of the cost (coverage varies by plan). 

How it works:

You must see a dental care provider within the network of approved providers.*

Direct member reimbursem*nt allowance 

Included withintheplan:Yes

What’s covered:

All dental services (except for teeth whitening).

How it works:

You’re given an annual “allowance” to spend on dental care.You pay up front for your care and submit itemized receipts for reimbursem*nt. There areno network requirements.

Optional supplemental benefits 

If your plan doesn’t include dental coverage, or you want to increase your coverage, you may have the option to purchase dental benefits with an additional monthly premium. 

How it works:

Same as network coverage. You must see a dental care provider within the network of approved providers.*

*Some PPO plans allow you to see a dentist outside of the network, but these services will cost you more.

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (12)

Understanding dental benefits


Many MA plans offer one of three types of dental benefits:

Network coverage 

Included withintheplan:Yes

What’s covered:

Preventive services (cleaning, X-rays, exams)may becovered at 100%. 

For comprehensive services, youmaypay a portion of the cost (coverage varies by plan). 

How it works:

You may need to see a dental care provider within our network ofproviders.*

Direct member reimbursem*nt allowance 

Included withintheplan:Yes

What’s covered:

You can use the allowance toward almost all dental services except for teeth whitening and a few administrative costs (e.g., missed appointments).

How it works:

You’re given an annual “allowance” to spend on dental care. You pay the provider for services at the time you get care and send us information like a receipt and reimbursem*nt form to get reimbursed. You can see any licensed provider.

Optional supplemental benefits 

If your plan doesn’t include dental coverage, or you want to increase your coverage, you may have the option to purchase dental benefits with an additional monthly premium. 

How it works:

Same as network coverage. You must see a dental care provider within our network of providers.**

 *Some HMO-POS and PPO members with Total Choice Dental benefits can also see dentists that are not part of the Aetna Dental PPO Network. Check the Evidence of Coverage (EOC) for more information.

**Some PPO plansallow you to see a dentist outside of the network, but these services will cost you more.

By regularly seeing a dentist for checkups and maintaining good oral hygiene,you can preventmany of these issuesor you can get treatment for them.ManyMA plans offer some form of dental coverage, including annual exams, cleanings, X-rays and fillings. Some plans offer more comprehensive coverage for dental services such as dentures and root canals.

If you neglect one area of your health, such as hearing, vision or dental care,itcan have a wider impact on your overall well-being. But with additional benefitsto fit your needs,theremay be anMA planthatcan help you care for your total health and achieve your best quality of life.


Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat plan members, except in emergency situations. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services. The provider network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary. Participating physicians, hospitals and other health care providers are independent contractors and are neither agents nor employees of Aetna. The availability of any particular provider cannot be guaranteed, and provider network composition is subject to change.

About the author

Sachi Fujimoriis a writer and editor based in Brooklyn who focuses on writing about science and health. A good day is one where she eats her vegetables and remembers to live in the moment with her baby girl.

The importance of hearing, vision and dental care (2024)


The importance of hearing, vision and dental care? ›

As you age, having dental, vision and hearing care is vital to your total health and well-being. Neglecting these areas may be linked to other health problems, such as heart issues, dementia, depression and increased risk of falls.

Why is hearing care important? ›

Healthy hearing results in positive health outcomes, increases social engagement, improves communication, and lowers the risk of depression. It is apparent that quality of life can decrease when the sense of hearing is impaired (see consequences of hearing loss).

What is the relationship between hearing and vision? ›

The visual cortex uses information gleaned from the ears to better predict what might be seen. Just as your ears and eyes work together to help you create a complete view of your world, they also work hand-in-hand to keep you balanced.

Can dental problems affect hearing? ›

The bacteria that cause your body to react harshly in your mouth can enter your bloodstream. If they do, they can cause inflammation and narrowing of arteries and blood vessels – including the ones involved in hearing.

What are the benefits of hearing health? ›

Hearing well is key to overall healthy aging: Hearing aid use has been reported to enable better engagement in group activities¹ Hearing aids improve audibility and nuture brain health. Hearing aid use is also related to increased work and social activity, and for women, higher self-reported physical activity.

Why is it important to take care of your vision and hearing? ›

Dental, vision and hearing problems can impact your life by affecting your school success, your ability to find work and your quality of life. They can put you at greater risk of injury, and can indicate that you may have other serious medical conditions.

Why is hearing important in our life? ›

Hearing is essential for maintaining relationships and connections with friends and family, fully participating in team and community activities, and experiencing life events. Hearing makes it possible to engage, listen, laugh, and enjoy many of the things that help shape your quality of life.

What is the function of vision and hearing? ›

Your eyes capture visible light from the world around you and turn it into a form your brain uses to create your sense of vision. Your brain doesn't have sensory abilities of its own. It needs your eyes (and other senses, like hearing and touch) to gather information about the world around you.

Is vision or hearing more important? ›

Humans have five senses: the eyes to see, the tongue to taste, the nose to smell, the ears to hear, and the skin to touch. By far the most important organs of sense are our eyes. We perceive up to 80% of all impressions by means of our sight.

What connects hearing and vision? ›

Your vision and hearing are linked in ways you may not suspect. Both of these senses are processed by your brain to allow a total perception of your environment. The eyes and ears are physically linked by nerve pathways responsible for vestibulo-ocular reflex or VOR.

Is there any connection between the ears and teeth? ›

The ear is more sensitive to changes in blood flow in the oral cavity than it may seem. During an inflammatory process, such as one affecting the wisdom teeth and causing temporary swelling of the gums, ear pressure is one of the resulting symptoms.

Do dentists get hearing loss? ›

With compiled uses of various noises throughout dental work environments, including high-speed handpieces, high and low-speed suction and ultrasonic scalers, dental personnel are at a potential high risk for hearing loss.

Can poor dental hygiene cause tinnitus? ›

Your Oral Health: How It Can Also Lead to Tinnitus and Hearing Loss. If your teeth deteriorate, either from bruxing or decay, it can also lead to tinnitus and hearing loss. The bacteria that result from decay and infection enter the bloodstream and can damage the nerves in the ear, which causes hearing difficulties.

What is the main purpose of hearing? ›

Hearing allows one to identify and recognize objects in the world based on the sound they produce, and hearing makes communication using sound possible. Sound is derived from objects that vibrate producing pressure variations in a sound-transmitting medium, such as air.

Why is hearing important for balance? ›

The inner ear is home to the cochlea and the main parts of the vestibular system. The vestibular system is one of the sensory systems that provides your brain with information about balance, motion, and the location of your head and body in relation to your surroundings.

Why is hearing protection important? ›

Hearing protectors are required to prevent noise induced hearing loss. Hearing protection devices reduce the noise energy reaching and causing damage to the inner ear. Ear muffs and earplugs are the most common types of PPE.

Why is it important to take care of your ears? ›

Engaging in proper ear care is instrumental in maintaining optimal ear health, as it can reduce the risk of ear infections and prevent hearing loss. But it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to improving your ear health.

What is the purpose of care of hearing aid? ›

Proper care and cleaning of your hearing aid will help it work properly and can help avoid the need for repeated repairs. Hearing aids come in many different shapes and forms. On every model, there are three places that need regular care: The shell.

Why does hearing health matter? ›

When you struggle to hear, it is harder to communicate, which often leads to social isolation. Hearing well makes it easier to communicate with friends, loved ones and colleagues. It also ensures that you have the ability to engage fully in the community.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.