Hello there!
Since the D&D update came out, I've been obsessed with finding all the secret discoveries I can. Here, I will catalog all the secret discoveries I've found. (By the way, I'm new to foruming. If there's anything I messed up on or am doing wrong please let me know.)This post is a massive spoiler for those who would like to find these on their own, scroll with caution.
Here is how I will be organizing them:
How to
Other text or dialogue found with the discoveryNow, let's get to it!
Wynn Plains
Ragni's Secret Library
Min. level 1
Location:Fireplace, Ragni's Castle
(-935, 67, -1610)---------------------
How to find:1) You will need to obtain one Bob's Tear. This
can be obtained by either killing Bob the
Zombie in Ragni, or trading with other players.
2) When you have the tear, take it to the
fireplace in Ragni's castle at the co-ords above.
3) Throw the tear into the fire, and a line will
be played. "Ye who seek knowledge, follow in
my footsteps and gain wisdom."
4) Footsteps will appear on the floor, and start
to walk towards the "castle art" in the dining
room. Follow them.
5) Once they get to the castle art, the footsteps
will open the gate on the art. Walk through,
and you will be teleported to the library. You
will now have unlocked the discovery.---------------------
About:A twelve-volume story of
Wynn's great hero can be found here. The origins
of this library, and others like it, still remain
Chapters:All twelve chapters can be found here:
https://wynncraft.gamepedia.com/Ragni's_LibraryA Hero's Origin
Min. level 1
Location:Between the coast and Ragni
(-872, 49, -1978)---------------------
How to find:1) At the co-ordinates mentioned above, there is a button
on an emerald block. Press this.
2) A doorway should open next to you, go inside.
3) There will be a skeleton standing in the room that will
run out when you get close to it. Follow it.
4) The skeleton will open up a nearby pipe and run inside.
Run inside after it and you will have unlocked the discovery!---------------------
About:In the year 854 AP (After
Portal), a massive horde of undead lead by Bak'al
attacked Ragni. The people of the city sought
refuge in the sewer, the only safe place left.---------------------
Grave:May the woman who died here in tonight's raid rest in
peace. Though we did not know her name, her memory
will live on through her son.Watchmen
Min. level 1
Location:Varying, Nivla Forest
Tower 1: (-95, 101, -1596)
Tower 2: (-216, 94, -1554)
Tower 3: (-341, 104, -1631)
Tower 4: (-472, 86, -1556)---------------------
How to find:At the co-ords listed above, there are towers. Simply go
to each tower and climb to the top of it, and it will
activate. Once you have done this with all four towers,
the discovery will be unlocked.
About:From the watch towers set up
across the province, scouts were able to spot an
incoming hoarde from miles away, helping to prepare
for countless battles.---------------------
Tower 1:882 AP
"Sir! The corrupt are crossing the river!"
"They act with instruction!"
"I can't see who is sending them."
"We must reinforce the river and bridge, if they get
past that they'll be on our soil."---------------------
Tower 2:883 AP
"Sir, they have started burning the trees."
"We have no coverage."
"Men, retreat to the forest boundaries!"
"This position is lost."
Tower 3:884 AP
"The forward defenses have fallen."
"They have taken the forest. The last barrier
between them and Ragni is us.""We must fortify. Put those fires out!"
"If we lose tree cover, we lose the war."
"Oh no.. It's him."
Tower 4:886 AP
"Sir, they've breached Nivla!"
"All the outer checkpoints have been overrun!"
"He's there sir, I see him."
"Bak'al, sir. He's.. leading thousands."
"This could mark the fall of Ragni."
"We've held this forest for years. There is no one
left to save us."Boulder Breaker
Min. level 5
Location:On the wall between Detlas and the Roots of
(313, 75, -1460)---------------------
How to find:1) At the above co-ords, there will be a cannon and a
stack of cannonballs. Gather a cannonball by killing
the entity on the stack.
2) Click on the cannon with it. The cannon will fire,
hitting a nearby building.
3) Go inside the building, and jump down the newly
formed hole in its floor. You should now have
unlocked the discovery.---------------------
About:Attacks from the portal were
often so brutal, it forced people underground.
Sometimes, they never made it back out.Historical Maltic
Min. level 5
Location:Abandoned tower, Directly North of Maltic
(-561, 67, -1859)---------------------
How to find:1) Go to the tower located at the co-ords above.
2) Climb to the top of the tower by following the
parkour. There is brown carpet showing the way.
3) At the top, there will be an anvil hanging on a
platform. Jump on the anvil three times and the
anvil will fall, breaking the large trapdoor on the
tower's floor.
4) Go back down to the bottom of the tower and
jump into the newly opened hole on the floor. The
discovery will then be unlocked.---------------------
About:Maltic was the first settlement
ever made by the arriving villagers. The alliance
between Villagers and Humans would go on to save
the province.Ruins of Detlas
Min. level 5
Location:LE Merchant's Tower, Detlas
(446, 83, -1592)---------------------
How to find:1) Go into the LE Merchant's tower, located in Detlas.
2) Climb up the ladder to the top of the tower and
cross the bridge to the opposite tower.
3) Press the button under the skeleton skull and jump
down the hole that opens.
4) Continue down the hole until you reach the
fountain control valve. Press the button on it, and
wait until you get the message, "It seems something
activating this device has affected something on the
5) Exit the room through the dark hole to the left of
the fountain control valve.
6) Exit the basem*nt dweller's home and run to the
fountain next to the powder master.
7) The fountain will open, exposing a hole in it. Jump
into the hole and you should unlock the discovery.
Exploring further is mandatory for leaving the cavern.---------------------
About:The modern city of Detlas was
built with the help of villagers after their arrival in
Wynn, but these ruins might hold the secrets of what
lied before...---------------------
Worn Journal 1:You read an entry from the worn journal...
"A stranger came into town today all the way from
Ragni. Ragni of all places! What do the folk there
want with us in this small town?""It's nothing but farmland for as far as the eye can
see around here. I want some excitement! I want to
go to Ragni and see the castle there!""Then again, the roads are more dangerous now
than they have ever been. If rumours are to be
trusted, you can't step three feet out of town
without running into an undead.""Who knows, maybe this'll all blow over soon..."
The entry stops there.
Worn Journal 2:You read an entry in the worn journal...
"That trader from Ragni was saying some disturbing
things the other day.""He mentioned that the undead attacks are growing
more frequent all over Wynn. Even Ragni is straining
under the pressure.""Detlas has managed to avoid the worst of the
scourge. But how much longer will our luck last?"The entry stops there.
Worn Journal 3:You read an entry in the worn journal...
"There aren't that many left in this town. If this
place can even be called a town.""There's me, Hank, Mary, their kids, the Mayor who's
crazy now, Andy, Steve, and Judy and her kids.""We only have enough for about a day or so. We
have no choice; we need to leave for a fortress.""Andy, Steve, and I will lead. The road to Troms is
difficult. If you read this, I hope Detlas still stands."It is dated 78 AP (After Portal). This is how the last
entry reads.---------------------
Worn Journal 4:You read an entry in the worn journal...
"I was talking to Mary the other day. She said some
of the survivors are planning to make the trip to
Troms or Ragni.""She asked me if we should go with them. I told her
we're staying here. The road to Ragni is too
dangerous, and Troms is too far away.""But as the night draws near, I'm not sure about my
decision..."The entry stops there.
Worn Journal 5:You read an entry in the worn journal...
"It's been unusually quiet these past few days. I
don't like it. Even for a small town such as Detlas,
there is such a thing as being too quiet.""I fear the rumours of the increasing undead
roaming the lands. What's worse, there are other
rumours saying that they are being led by a human.""What madman would turn against their own kind in
favor of... those things?""I just hope I can keep my people safe. Wait, I fear
something approaches.."The book is torn in half. The rest of the entry must
be somewhere nearby...---------------------
Worn Journal 6:The pages are torn and are black with soot on the
edges. You read the rest of the entry..."This may be my final entry. The human leading the
horde is no human. He is tainted. Broken. Controlled.""Fire spreads from his hands like magic.. If only we
had such power. Someone has to stop this. Alas, it
can not be me. He is here."The entry stops here.
Water of the Past
Min. level 5
Location:Aqueducts, Base of Mt. Wynn
(-318, 67, -1889)---------------------
How to find:1) At the South-East corner of the aqueducts,
at roughly (-311, 74, -1867), there is loose rubble.
Kill the entity to gather it.
2) At the North side of the aqueducts, at
(-310, 73, -1904), there is a room with an entity
named "Repair Kit". Kill the entity and gather it.
3) Bring both of these items to the top of the
aqueducts where there is running water
(-318, 86, -1890). Walking through the green
particles will mend the hole in the aqueducts and
water will begin to flow.
4) The flowing water will stop at a leaf blockage
located at (-325, 81, -1879). Hit the leaf
surrounded by red particles and the water will
continue to flow.
5) The water will then hit a water wheel, turning
it and powering the door in the center of the
aqueducts at (-318, 67, -1889). Walking inside
will unlock the discovery.---------------------
About:The proud farmers
surrounding Ragni were often left to fend for
themselves. They have proven to be resourceful
and hardened. They created their own
infrastructure, but when they were totally
abandoned by the army, there was nothing but
Chamber:The voice of the past echoes within this chamber...
885 AP
"The men of Ragni do not truly know war."
"Sure, they fought the fight. But they did not lose
the most.""It is us, those who provide the food without the
protection of walls or castles that suffer first.""We learned to fight for ourselves and produce the
food for the army.""We even built our own water system. It allowed us
the time we needed off the fields.""But where was the shining army of red and yellow
when our supply was attacked?""Hiding in the sewers while we perish."
"There is no winning this war."
Bak'al's Destruction 1
Min. level 5
Location:South of Nivla Forest
(-129, 67, -1283)---------------------
How to find:1) At the co-ords above, there is a ruined building with a
hopper in the floor (the hopper is directly at the co-ords).
In the ruins, there will spawn a "Zombie Berserker". Kill
this zombie and it will drop one "Corrupted Remains".
2) Drop the Corrupted Remains into the hopper, and a
hole will open up right next to it. Go into the hole.
3) At the end of the hole, there will be a purple particle
effect. Walk into it and a the cutscene described below
will play.
4) When the cutscene ends, you will have unlocked the
About:The corrupt entity known as
Bak'al has appeared countless times since the
portal was opened, decimating everything in his path.---------------------
464 APGuards are fighting corrupted humans outside a small
fort[1/2] Guard: Seems like we fended them off this time...
those were the last.[2/2] Guard: We better get started repairing all this,
who knows whe-Bak'al appears in front of the guards
[1/1] Guard: IT'S HIM! We gotta take him out!
[1/1] Bak'al: Fools! Courage won't help you as a
corpse.Bak'al kills the guards and enters the fort,
presumably blowing it upBak'al's Destruction 2
Min. level 5
Location:Where Donator Town was, Detlas Suburbs
(122, 67, -1534)---------------------
How to find:1) At the co-ords mentioned above, there is a
button on a tree. Press it.
2) The button will have opened up a hole at the
base of the tree. Go inside.
3) Continue down the hole until you come to a
purple particle effect. Step into the particles
and a cutscene will play.
4) After the cutscene, you will have unlocked
the discovery.
About:A once great city was reduced
to rubble in 347 AP (After Portal) in one of the
largest attacks by Bak'al ever documented. There
was only one survivor.---------------------
347 APThree town guards are standing in the center of
the town[1/4] Town Guard: Has everyone gotten to safety?
[2/4] Guard Leader: There was no time to evacuate,
so I told them to go inside and block their doors. I
just hope they all listened.[3/4] Town Guard: But is it enough? I don't know if
the three of us are going to be enough to protect
the town from...[4/4] Get ready, men! He's coming!
Bak'al blows open the gate to the town, with a
small army of undead behind himBak'al and his army enter the town
[1/6] Bak'al: An army is only an army if it is
coordinated. This...[2/6] Bak'al: ...is no army.
[3/6] Bak'al: I seem to have overestimated the
humans.Bak'al teleports on top of the town wall
[4/6] Bak'al: I think my army can take care of this.
[5/6] Bak'al: Go.
The undead army proceeds to kill the three guards
[6/6] Bak'al: Good. Leave no survivors.
The army then kills the citizens of the town
[1/4] Bak'al: I sense no traces of life.
[2/4] Bak'al: Burn it all. Leave nothing.
[3/4] Bak'al: Let the ashes serve as a reminder that...
[4/4] Every city will suffer the same fate.
Bak'al's Destruction 3
Min. level 5
Location:Directly North-East of Katoa Ranch
(-741, 42, -1960)---------------------
How to find:1) At the house located at the co-ords above, there
is a well. Jump inside.
2) In the well, there will be a dark hole with a small
particle effect in it. Go into the hole and the cutscene
will begin to play.
3) At the end of the cutscene, you will have unlocked
the discovery.---------------------
About:Just the name of Bak'al is
enough to make many cower in fear. They say that
wherever he appears, he will only leave death in his
162 APFarmer leaves house, walks over to well, and takes
a drinkBak'al appears in a cloud of smoke
[1/1] Farmer: Gods, NO!
Bak'al kills farmer
[1/1] Bak'al: The darkness must spread.
Bak'all destroys house and sends an obsidian
spike through itFarmer is re-animated as a zombified farmer
Timeless Ruin
Min. level 10
Location:Ruins with Redstone Blocks on top, Time Valley
(-455, 74, -1114)---------------------
How to find:1) Near the co-ords above, there is a ruined building.
Specifically, it is at the co-ords (-534, 73, -1061). Go
2) Inside, there will be an entity named "Mysterious
Gem". Kill it and gather the Mysterious Gem that it
3) Go to the co-ords mentioned at the "location"
part of the discovery. You will have to climb to the
top using parkour. The parkour is "traced" with grey
carpets, so it is easy to follow.
4) The parkour will lead to a sort of "empty gem slot"
as I will call it. There will be floating text that says,
"Right click to place the gem". Do what the text says,
and the ruins will start to "activate".
5) The ruins will then open in the center. Jump down
the newly formed hole and start walking down the
6) As you continue, the ruins will start to fix itself.
Before entering the next room, wait until it's done.
You will know when it's done when you hear an
ominous noise, and when you see that the door at the
end of the hall has opened. You may now proceed
into the next room.
7) When you do this, the dying lifeform that is sat at
the door will speak. He will say something in Wynnic,
and the translation is below. When he is done talking,
you can walk out of the door and you will then unlock
the discovery.---------------------
About:The people who built these
mysterious structures had unusual control over
time magic. Very few alive understand it or know
about the people who lived here, for they were
neither Human nor Villager. A species from a distant
Dying Lifeform:[1/2] ???: AhMh
[2/2] ???: (In Wynnic) The olm cannot survive here,
it is coming for us.The life force slowly fades from the creature...
Beneath the Roots
Min. level 10
Location:Broken Tower, directly west of the Roots of Corruption
(32, 71, -1312)---------------------
How to find:1) There is a tower at the above co-ords. Go inside
and follow the parkour to the top.
2) At the very top of the tower, there is a pile of
gravel and floating text that says, "Right click to dig"
Continuously right click there, and it will uncover an
old key.
3) Pick up the old key and bring it to the bottom of
the tower.
4) There will be a short staircase leading to a door
with a keyhole in it. Right click on the keyhole with
the key.
5) Enter through the door and continue down the
hole inside until you fall down a large shaft. You
will then unlock the discovery.To get out of the cavern:
1) Continue down the path until you reach the main
platform with a corrupt pillar in the center.
2) Follow the parkour on said pillar until you reach
a green particle effect.
3) Hit the particle effect with your weapon until the
pillar breaks. After a short cutscene you will be able
to leave the cavern through the dark hole on the
pillar's right.---------------------
About:This cavern is evidence that
corruption is like a weed. The roots spread
throughout the province.---------------------
Central Platform:The spike seems to be the source of this evil, if only
it could be broken...<After breaking spike>
Seems like the gate is no longer blocked.Somewhere In Between
Min. level 10
Location:Pigman Ravines
(-728, 97, -1274)---------------------
How to find:1) At the above co-ords there is a trail of brown
carpets. Follow them up the side of the cliff.
2) The carpets lead to a spot with TNT and a
minecart track. At the beginning of the track,
there is a button on the wall. Press it and a
TNT minecart will go down the track and blow
up the boulder below.
3) A cutscene will then play where a pig is
turned into a pigman. Afterwards, you will
unlock the discovery.
About:The Pigmen are a mysterious
creature, neither pig nor man, neither corrupt nor
whole.Crate Crane
Min. level 15
Location:Western Docks, Nemract
(51, 38, -2238)---------------------
How to find:1) At the co-ords above, there is a crane that you
can control. Press the button on it labeled "Rotate"
2) The crane will then rotate 90 degrees to the left,
and a button labeled "Activate" will have appeared.
Press this button.
3) The crane will lower and pick up a crate at the
base of the docks, revealing a hole in the docks.
Enter the hole and you will unlock the discovery.---------------------
About:Nemract was one of the cities
attacked most often. The people would hide in the
gutters and sewers until it was over. However,
corrupt enemies are not without intelligence, and
they were quickly discovered by the enemy.---------------------
Ragamal:[1/4] Ragamal: HEY! You stay out of that tent, you
filthy rich soldier boy! You already got everything
you need![2/4] Ragamal: I scrounged and saved and bought
that old box of fruit fair and square, it's mine! You
wand some, you go BUY it with all those emeralds you
got lining your pockets![3/4] Ragamal: Yeah, get out of here and go
brown-nose those big-nosed flimflam scam artists!
Stupid soldiers! Why couldn't you have just
bothered to come to my house that night?![4/4] Ragamal: WHY COULDN'T YOU ALL HAVE EVEN
Harv and Marlow:[1/7] Harv: Say, Marlow. Ya think this old pipe here
would make a good enough weapon?[2/7] Marlow: Uh...why you askin', Harv?
[3/7] Harv: Well, I got to thinking some, and... We mighta
lost all we had, but that doesn't mean anyone else
oughta, and hey, what've we got here to lose?[4/7] Marlow: Wha... Buddo, you'd lose yourself! You
ought to be thankful you even lived to get down
here! You SEEN those attacks?! No way either of us
would last a day!![5/7] Harv: Feh! Not like those big-nosed Grooks are
doing a thing to help! Half those golems up there are
rusted shut and useless![6/7] Harv: I'd rather take the risk and die buying
someone else a few more minutes than waste away
down in this rotten hole![7/7] Marlow: Well then, you're a better man than I.
Honestly, if I were them, I'da ran for the hills at the
sight of this town too. Can't really bring myself to
say I blame 'em much.---------------------
Poe:[1/4] Poe: Oh! A visitor! We rarely get people down
here. For obvious reasons.[2/4] Poe: I have nothing to offer you, but please,
make yourself comfortable. Warm yourself by the
fire.[3/4] Poe: We need to keep each other's spirits up.
After all, when all's said and done, what else do we
have?[4/4] Poe: I consider myself lucky to be alive. So
many lives were lost in that attack...Mining Operation
Min. level 20
Location:Abandoned Mines
(808, 28, -1299)---------------------
How to find:1) At the co-ords above, there is a button labeled
"Lower Crane". Press it.
2) The crane will lower a pile of TNT into a cart.
On said cart, there is a button labeled "Move
Cart". Press this button.
3) The cart will move across a track and stop
under a horizontal type of crane. There will be a
pillar to the left of the cart. Climb up the pillar
using the ladder on it.
4) At the top, there will be a button labeled
"Move Freight". Press it.
5) The crane will then pick the pile of TNT off of
the cart and move it over a minecart track. There
will now be a new button labeled "Lower Crane"
on the opposite pillar at (794, 29, -1309). Press it.
6) The TNT pile will lower onto the minecart
track. A minecart will appear on the track and
"pick up" a TNT from the pile, making it into a
TNT minecart. It will continue down the track,
follow it.
7) The TNT minecart will stop at a wall of TNT
inside the mines. There will be a button to the
left of the TNT wall, press it and it will explode,
opening up a large cavern.
8) Walk into the cavern and you will unlock the
About:The mysteries uncovered
from this excavation were quickly abandoned as a
new dark force, one far more mysterious than
corruption, was the last thing this province needed.Wynn Plains Monument
Min. level 20
Location:Nivla Forest
(-227, 63, -1481)---------------------
How to find:1) First, you must have unlocked all previously
mentioned discoveries in the Wynn Plains.
2) After that, you will simply need to enter the
building located at the co-ords above in order
to unlocked the discovery.---------------------
About:This ancient monument only
opens to those it deems worthy. Inside is contained
secrets of the Wynn Plains that few eyes have ever
Cutscene:When entering the monument, a cutscene of Bob
fighting Bak'al is played once the player steps
onto the blue glass in the center of the main
room. It is too long for me to describe it here,
and quite frankly I am far too tired from
discovery searching to type it all out, so you
will have to go see it for yourself!
Noora04, Ketchup, Skywalkinerate and 20 others like this.