LAMH Fans Make Insensitive Comments + Kimmi Scott Sets the Record Straight (2024)


Amanda Anderson-Niles

LAMH Fans Make Insensitive Comments + Kimmi Scott Sets the Record Straight (1)

Kimmi Scott’s health is a focal point on LAMH.

” star Kimmi Scott is facing one of the toughest life challenges ever on the current season. As we reported, Kimmi has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. Her journey began after she detected a lump on her own while she was at home one day. Given her experience as a nurse, she knew she needed to make a doctor’s appointment immediately. She didn’t feel good about what she discovered. And unfortunately, the bad news was confirmed after she was examined. Since then, Kimmi has made a commitment to showing fans the difficult journey she’s on to fight cancer.

One of the most heartfelt episodes of the season was the one in which Kimmi cut off her hair. She decided to take her oncologist’s advice. They recommended that she go ahead and cut her hair. In their experience, it’s a less traumatic way to process losing hair during the chemotherapy process.

So Kimmi had her loved ones there for support as her tresses began to hit the floor. Maurice Scott even used clippers to finish off the cut. They were all in tears. And fans expressed that they were tearful, too, on social media.

Interestingly enough, not all of the comments on social media have been positive. In fact, some fans were more concerned with whether Kimmi’s hair was hers or not during the powerful scene. Some even went as far as to say Kimmi was wearing fake hair.

Regardless, Kimmi set the record straight and confirmed that she’s been on a natural hair journey for years.

Click next for the details.

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In this article:

  • Kimmi Scott
  • Love and Marriage Huntsville
  • Maurice Scott
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Amanda Anderson-Niles

Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.

  1. Kimmi, as a Breast Cancer Survivor I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, you’ve got this. With God all things you possible, stay positive and keep the naysayers as far away from you. God Bless Your Journey❣️❣️❣️


    1. Its just so insensitive that while our Sister is facing life threatening cancer, someone is jealous and worried about her hair!! Really?? What is wrong with people..
      Sending prayers to the Scotts


      1. Kimmie I’m praying that God bless you and hold you tight while you are going through this I pray for you and Maurice girl God got you he didn’t bring you this far to leave you just hold to God unchanging hand I keep you in my prayer watch this show all the time you rocks girl


      2. Terry, I know what you mean! I’m not surprised at the insensitive comments of people. I guess people will learn how to love and respect others pain when it happens to them or their family members. I was surprised at how long and beautiful Kimmi’s hair was. She’s beautiful anyway, I just wondered why she didn’t wear her own hair instead of all of those wigs. I pray that she heals and continue to be the happy and beautiful woman that she is. I cried with her and her husband. God be with all of us in this fallen wicked world.


        1. I concur, her hair was absolutely beautiful 💕 I pray her a supernatural blessed recovery 🙏 ❤️


      3. I’ve come to the conclusion that some people are just STUPID


        1. 100% !.. until to happens to THEM!




    2. Kimme Scott!!! Such a BEAUTIFUL SOUL, you are going to beat this battle God got you. He hears ALL PRAYERS. I’ve been praying for you since you announced your illness. Prayers goes up like helium balloons for you, your empowerment,your family and everything else in your life. GOD IS A AWESOME GOD, TRUST AND BELIEVE I KNOW. Different situation but at the end of the day HE LIVES!!!! Much,much prayer for your healing, U WILL INDEED BE HEALED!!! I’ve RECEIVED IT, I BELIEVE IT!!! God Bless V White


    3. I am praying 🙏 for Kimmi and her family too. Continue to be brave and keep the faith. God has you throughout all of this. Don’t listen to the haters and nay sayers. They don’t know it maybe them one day or a family member of theirs. Sending complete healing prayers 🙏 to you. Know one knows what you’re going through until they have to go through it themselves.


    4. Beautiful 😍


    5. Praying for you daily. You are Beautiful. Isaiah 53:5 Matthew 18:20. We Love You Kimmi.


  2. That was someone ‘s thought process? If her hair was hers or not! Wow. If she grew it or bought it it was hers. People.


    1. Whether she bought or grew hair, this woman is dealing with a life threatening disease and people are concerned about whether her hair is real or not, grow up people!! My prayers are with you Kimmi and Maurice, love you guys!!


  3. It’s very hard to take the high road in social media because it has given folks cahones as big as coconuts to say the most awful things. Especially to folks they don’t know.
    I hate some social media.
    I do wish Kimmi the best and godspeed on her recovery.


    1. Praying 🙏 for you with or without hair you are a beautiful Queen god bless you on this journey.


  4. Thinking black women can’t have long hair is anti blackness.


    1. Facts ‼️


      1. Love you Kimmi. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


  5. Some people are just royal A*^* whether it;s her hair or not is not the issue she’s fighting for her life and doing what she feels is best for her. Some people think black folks can’t grow long hair but they can and do so who are you to say otherwise


    1. To say that black women can’t have long hair is anti-black & to say that all black women wear weaves to achieve long hair is a d-mn stereotype. It’s a d-mn shame that some of these F’d up comments are comin from our own community….smdh


      1. It’s so hard to deal with Braindead people !! Let God take the wheel,he will lead you in the right direction!! For those brainteasers people,Satan is your driver!! so watch out… .


  6. 🙏 💪 to Kimmi n her family… Kimmi is the one on LAMH that gives me reason to watch the show… My girl stay fly n hair or not she is a 💪 black queen #CANCERSUCKS


  7. Kimmie, You are truly a class act. I’m so sorry to see people be so negative towards you. Lord help us what has this world come to. Much love and respect to you. May God bless and comfort you on your journey.


    1. Kimmie, thank you for having the strength and courage to share and hopefully help someone else,I lost my best friend to breast cancer,I went to many treatments with her and I know how hard it is,love 💘 you and may God keep His hands on you


  8. Who really gives a rats tail if it was her hair or not . The battle with cancer is much much more devastating. Praying that God heals and continues to give her (Kimmie) strength to endure this time difficult time.


  9. Kimmi you’re awesome. Cancer sucks. I know. As long as your family stands side you forget about the naysayers.


  10. I love you kimmi


  11. Positive ENERGY sent your way. Prayers for you and your Family as they go along on this journey with you. I love your resilience.
    You have been a Favorite from the start of LAMH. PEACE and BLESSINGS.


    1. I am a survivor, there is 5 in my family we all had a double mysectomy, my oldest sister Lost the journey, we have the braco gene, i.m goings thru it again , so my prayers to you


    2. Love and Blessings to Kimmi. We stand with you girl. Jkidd


  12. Kimmi God has his arms wrapped around you It has been such a pleasure that you decide to share your Breast Cancer journey with the world & women in general it’s an eye opener, I can only imagine emotions all over the place such an up & down roller coaster
    You are going to win this battle
    God Bless you & Maurice during this most difficult time 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 my prayers are with you
    And by the way y’all are my favorites
    Continue Healing


  13. I wish Kimmi only the best through this tough journey. Social media is a blessing and curse. Keep only sending love and hugs and positive vibes. You got this Kimmi🙏❤


    1. Some people are going be people. Instead of your prays whom ever made that stupid comment. Pray that someday you might need a prayer for yourself. In fact,Kimmi don’t need any Negatively in her life.
      Don’t worry Kimmi and the Scott family.
      A GOD


  14. Thank you for sharing your story with us. As a Cancer survivor myself, this brought back a lot of memories. Praying for you and Victoty over the monster called Brest Cancer !!


  15. My name is Nancy Bell. I’m a 20 year Breast Cancer Survivor and I love watching the show Huntsville. I watched the episode when Kimmie cut her hair. I know what you’re going through with because I’ve been on this same journey. I wish I could have a sit down with you or some kind of contact while you’re on this journey. I would love to follow you. Kimmie just know that God got you!


    1. Kimmie this is you, God and your family’s journey. We out here are just your prayer warriors in love & faith. Stay focused on you and yours and those of us who truly care got your back❤ Please don’t concern yourself with naysayers. Our God is a good God and He covers his own🙌 Stay encouraged my Sister😘


  16. Kimmi is the only reason I watch the show. She is such à class act, a loving and kind lady. Kimmi, God is watching over you and will take care of you, with hair or not. I pray for you each day that you continue with your strength and belief in him that you will conquer this battle. We love you and are with you.


  17. Kimmie is the sweetie one on the show of the women, Mel next, Tes is getting so mean,Wanda is just ridiculous, the other ladies think there sh-t don’t stink Stay strong Kimmie we love ❤ you and Maurice


  18. Kimmie Scott….u are a class act..a true and beautiful black queen…cancer will not defeat u…I’ve lost a few family members to this horrible disease……first we must listen to our bodies…go to the doctor ladies….mammograms are necessary…prayers and blessings for u Kimmie !…


  19. As a breast cancer survivor came in my prayers are with you


  20. Kimmi,you have been the epitome of class ,I wish you a speedy recovery may God bless you and your husband and family,you will beat this and continue to live a happy and blessed life,stay positive Kimmi,God’s got you 🙏🏼.


  21. It’s a shame for one to solely focus on Kimmi hair when Kimmi hair should not be the focus but her well being instead. This goes to show some folks are ignorant to say ignorant things. Who cares if her hair is real or fake about 95% of females in this world wears fake hair not saying Kimmi has is fake. Please stay focus on the situation at hand say prayers wish her well. Kimmi should not have to defend her hair nor focus on ignorance. Kimmi, I don’t know you personally but I am praying for you and your family.


  22. Dear Kimmie and Scott I am praying for Kimme to be completely healed from the crown of her head to the soles od her feet.


  23. First of Kimmi just keep fighting God got you,you can beat this Don’t let cancer beat you ..
    you beat it always praying for you and your family’s.. much love


  24. I think the real concern should be hope, prayer, concern, and love for Kimmi an’ any other woman or man too. for that matter, who may be going through something to just have COMPASSION IN YOUR HEART…NOT BE CONCERNED AS TO WHETHER OR NOT IT’S HER HAIR. HOW PETTY an’ SHALLOW.


  25. It’s so sad to see that many people don’t have any coof about themselves! And know disrespect to the seeing impaired people, but Ray Charles can clearly see that her hair is real!!


  26. I pray that GOD will heal the people with negative comments, they have a serious disease. Kimmie with GOD in front and family beside you, we the village are bringing up the rear with love and positive support.


  27. Kimmi, you shine girl, you got this❤️❤️❤️🙏🤪🙏🙏🙏


  28. Oh my people can be so cruel. If it was her hair or not she cut it. Prayers going out for you Kimmie. GOD got you Chic. Much Love from Memphis TN.


  29. I do wish Kimmi the very best with her recovery. My prayer is that God do the same for her, as He did for me. (13yrs cancer FREE) Hallelujah
    However, this distraction is the very reason why I said her journey should not have been on the show. This is serious, & your complete focus should be on God, yourself, & your family● Not reading & Responding to the negative thoughts of others!! Some people can be so selfish, saying they think it’s a good thing she’s sharing her journey bc it can help so many people. That’s BS, as a woman you should know this already. It’s not Kimmi’s responsibility to remind us to do breast exams!!!
    AFTER she was on the other side of this thing, THEN she could have shared everything that she had endured & how she overcame it all, but now, while she doesn’t know what her next day or hour will look like is NOT the time!!!


  30. All you DISTGUSTING PEOPLE out there commenting about her hair, I hope something happens to you guys in the future. Then someone makes stupid a-s comments like you are. How dare you try to make this woman feel any less than what she does already fighting for her life. Go crawl back in your holes!!!!! KIMMi, I wish you the best you’re in our prayers.


  31. I feel Kimmie and Maurice pain, Hang in there everything will be alright,continue to live your life stay positive stay strong. And always call on God.


  32. I feel your pain,hang in there. Lean on God


  33. Kimmie I am praying for you don’t listen to negative comments. It’s all about you fighting this battle and winning surround yourself with positive people. I admire you for being so strong and being that Awesome black women that you are
    I am cheering for you and the family.. You keep believing and trusting in the Lord.




  35. Kimmie, first and foremost stay focus and put the Creator first. All these busy bodies small minded people out here talking about its not your hair, that speaks volume of where they are in their miserable existences. Be blessed, stay focus, get well. For all of those out there making noise, hair doesn’t make you.


  36. As a survivor Kimmi you have my prayers and energy. You’ve GOT THIS! May God bless and keep you 🙏🏿
    It’s so basic and ignorant for people to be worrying about hair which is clearly full and healthy naturally than her well being.


    1. AGREE, What kind of beings are those? 🙏🏿💖💕Kimmi is by far strong & fighting for her existence God gave her on this earth. My opinion, the kindnest one of those messy Supposingly successful gossipy’s.


  37. Some people are so ignorant you all need to be praying for her health Kimmy ignore the comments you’re fighting for your health That’s material things hair or no hair


  38. Kimmi, just as you have already declared, YOU know whose you are and God truly does love you! Stay focused as where the mind is the body will follow. As thy days are, so shall your strength be is my prayer for you and your family.


  39. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The hair was necessary I am the widow of a veteran who did not survive cancer Cutting off the was better than watching it fall out. his choice


  40. This hit home being I lost my godmother to stage 4 breast cancer I watched her take her last breath. To the “Donkey’s” who want to make a comment about Kimmi’s hair if it’s real or fake this woman is fighting a dangerous disease we all need to pray for her and let us luv on her.


  41. Prayers for Kimmi’s continual healing.

    Some people are just ignorant and ghetto to the bone. The comment about Kimmi’s shows how low too many people have sunk in this world. It was out of place and wrong.


  42. My husband and I have you and Maurice in our prayers. I’ve shed the tears with you because I cut my hair for my mother. I feel like Maurice, no control over the situation. Maurice just be there for her. I’ve watched you guys relationship grow and I love it. Be strong my thoughts are with the both of you.


  43. Kimmie you’re very beautiful. Don’t focus on the negative. Attitude is key when fighting a disease. I don’t have breast cancer but I have been fighting kidney cancer for ten years. I’ll continue to keep you in prayer. ❤


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.