Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (2024)

Star’s End is one of the best grinding locations which is popular for its rare drop – Black Distortion Earring. Although it can’t compete with the recently released Hadum locations, it is a big step up compared to other grinding zones that require overall less AP and DP.

In April 2021 Star’s End received an update that added 3 pillar shaped structures – Vessels of Inquisition, that offer stationary style of grinding. We will go in details in later section of the guide.

On July 14, 2021 various spots including Star’s End got a nice permanent boost in Drop Rate of Caphras Stone and Ancient Spirit Dust, making the zone slightly more attractive for players seeking Caphras Stone gear progression.

July 28th Vessels of Inquisitionhas received slight change, ranged type of mobs was added to prevent players from standing in place.

Enormous Profit Potential
Location Accessibility
Unique Mechanic
Rare Drop Reliant
Repair NPC is Far
Somewhat Contested

Table of Contents

Star’s End Information

Node Location

The node is located to the West of Calpheon and it’s worth investing your Energy, as it benefits you with +50% Item Drop Rate for every 10th monster you kill.

The most common route is through Calpheon:

  • Calpheon (17 Contribution Points) – Gabino Farm (2CP) – North Kaia Pier (3CP) – Calpheon Castle Site (1CP) – Calpheon Castle (3CP) – Brellin Farm (2CP) – Calpheon Northwestern Outpost (3CP) – Star’s End (3CP)

An alternative viable route, which requires less CP and goes through Ash Forest, is connecting from Grána city:

  • Grána (15 Contribution Points) – Lake Flondor (3CP) – White Wood Forest (1CP) – Tooth Fairy Forest (3CP) – Loopy Tree Forest (2CP) – Ash Forest (3CP) – Star’s End (3CP)

By investing 1 more CP into the Excavation node of Star’s End, you can send workers to collect Mass of Pure Magic, Trace of Violence and Trace of Death. If these materials are important to you, connecting through Calpheon will save you some time.

Item Drops

ItemComment from Author
Black Distortion EarringRare Drop. Worth ~300 million. Enhanced version can drop, with DUO worth ~2,7 billion!
Black Stone (Armor)
Black Stone
Clear Blackstar CrystalIs a component used to craft Corrupted Magic Crystal. Worth ~120 million. Forest Fury is a bottleneck.
Black Magic Crystal - Precision
Mass of Pure MagicIs used to enhance Blackstar Gear.
Ancient Spirit Dust5x of Ancient Dust ~ 1x Caphras Stone
Caphras Stone
Trace of Origin
Sanguine Crystal of DespairPrimary trash loot. Vendor price = 15500 Silver.
Destroyed Star FragmentSecondary trash loot. Vendor price = worthless.
In case of weight problems you can throw it away.
Intricately Patterned Mystical ShardUsed to craft Karlstein outfit boxes.
Laila's PetalUsed to upgrade your fairy, exchangeable to Sweet Honey Wine or Valks’ Cry equivalent Fairy's Blessing.
Black Energy Residueis used to craft Dragon Slayer Weapons.
Pure Forest BreathPlace on marketplace or use for Dream horse attempts (Doom).

Average Silver / Hour

56%69,021,500Primary and Secondary Trash
16%20,187,500*5x Black Magic Crystal - Precision
15%18,550,400*Caphras Stones + Ancient Spirit Dust
3%4,165,000*Trace of Origin
10%12,240,000*Black Stone (Armor) & Black Stone
124,164,400Total (whereas “*” means taxed with Value Pack)

Your average hour of grinding with blue Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) probably will look slightly underwhelming. You have to keep in mind, that it is possible to grind 15+ hours and getting no Distortions drops. But if you happen to drop a Black Distortion Earring you would earn an additional 272* Million Silver making it ~400 million profit in one hour.

As you can see the spot has low lows and enormous highs, making it one of the most inconsistent grinding spots in Black Desert Online.

Gear Requirements

A good starting point for most classes is 261 AP Kutum and 308 DP. With anything less, you would gain more profit on Aakman or Hystria.

There are some examples of going there under that requirement (Berserker – 245 AP Kutum / 301 DP /Striker – 245 AP Kutum / 308 DP), but I would not recommend it, since it requires lots of constant cautiousness, which will be tiring after a couple of hours.

269 AP Kutum coupled with 324 DP is the point where you will reach high efficiency. By acquiring at least 7 more DP you will be also meeting gear requirements for Sycraia Underwater Ruins (Abyssal Zone), which offers not necessarily better, but more consistent profit than Star’s End.

Here is an example of a 265 AP and 313 DP buildsuitable for Star’s End with an emphasis on CC resistance and Damage Reduction:

TRI: Blackstar CrossbowAncient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame - Power
HAN Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom
TET: Kutum Ra'ghon2x Corrupted Magic Crystal
TET: Dandelion Greatbow C2
TET: Griffon's Helmet2x HAN Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom
TET: Dim Tree Spirit's Armor2x Dark Red Fang Crystal - Armor
TET: Bheg's GlovesJIN Magic Crystal - Viper
HAN Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom
TET: Urugon's Shoes2x Red Battlefield Crystal: Adamantine
2x TET: Ring of Crescent Guardian
2x Capotia Earring
TET: Ogre Ring
TET: Basilisk's Belt
Sturdy Alchemy Stone of Destruction
Hunter's Clothes (Costume Exchange)

Next important stat is your Accuracy and Accuracy Rate. You can see it by pressing I and clicking the “View My Stats” button.

To hit the mobs with 99% chance you need 450 of All Accuracy with at least +4% Accuracy rate. Some of the classes have additional Accuracy Rate or Evasion Debuff on their skills. If you have either of them in your kit, you might make it with less Accuracy. We will see how to increase your Accuracy with the buffs in the section below.

Grinding in Star’s End

Agris Fever & Combat XP Gain

If you decide to get rid of your Agris Fever in Star’s End, you won’t be on the losing side. Besides Elvia spots and others such as Olun Valley, it is quite an efficient spot for your Agris Points. In one hour you will be burning around 70 000 Agris Points, depending on your gear.

In terms of Experience, it is slightly better than the main Mirumok Party spot, but worse than solo. You will be looking at ~0.8% an Hour at level 61 with 260% Experience Buff.

MonsterConsumed Agris Fever
Apostle of Corruption40
Harbinger of Corruption40
Apostle of Defilement40
Harbinger of Defilement40
Apostle of Immorality40
Harbinger of Immorality40
<Possessed> Apostle of Malevolence50

Spot Mechanics

Throughout your grinding you will make use of the structure called Unstable Star Debris.

As monsters are immune to Crowd Control, this is the only way to CC them. Once destroyed it will knock down nearby monsters, even the ones that are ignoring you, due to aggro limitation of 10. It also has the chance to kill them instantly!

It is important to use skills with a Down Attack Damage modifier on them in order to deal most damage. As your AP is growing at a certain point it won’t make a difference in terms of clearing speed if you group around the crystal or not. Some classes as Awakening Sorceress don’t have many Down Attack Damage modifiers and it is faster for them to skip the crystal.

Occasionally you will have a chance of spawning an Elite Monster called <Possessed> Apostle of Malevolence. He has more HP comparable to other monsters.

If not defeated within 5 minutes he will disappear. It is reasonable to kill him in your next cycle of rotation, since you can agro respawned mobs simultaneously, as opposed to only focusing him. Also, he is guaranteed to drop at least 1x Caphras Stone and 1x Ancient Dust.

One thing to keep in mind for players with low DP, is the debuff applied by Remnants of Corruption, especially at nighttime.

This is something you will have to get used to.


Let’s do a quick review of all Rotations on Star’s End.

  • Main Rotation is suitable for melee classes, because of its density. Maximum reachable amount of trash with blue loot scroll is around 6000 – 6100. It is arguably the most contested spot.
  • On Cliff Rotation you can do up to 6400 Trash/Hour, best suitable for ranged classes.
  • Temple Rotation has a cap of 5600 Trash/Hour.
  • The least popular spot is Side Rotation, an amount of 4500 Trash/Hour is reachable.
  • Players with low ap can grind at House Rotation because it’s the shortest one of all and you can easily overclear it.
  • Mountain Rotation has the lowest density and it’s gonna be a chore to group the mobs together. Melee classes will have a harder time on this spot.

Vessels of Inquisition

Players with at least 341 DP might try grinding a recently added spot called – Vessels of Inquisition. Once you attack the pillar, monsters will start spawning around it and try to destroy the pillar. It will flash red indicating low health. After it gets destroyed you will need to wait 2 minutes for it to respawn. You can expect around 5,000 Trash Loot per Hour at this spot with just Blue Loot Scroll. It is lower than at Main, but at least you won’t be bothered with proper grouping.

Randomly you will see Unstable Star Debris appearing from nowhere, you can use it here to your advantage as described above.

The mobs might look the same, but do not let Apostles of Immorality (big guys) surround you. They can easily oneshot you if their attacks are synchronized. Beware of back attacks!

Ranged type of mobs – [Sin-filled] Harbinger of Defilement will appear around Vessel and throw spear from the distance at you or the tower. They were added to prevent players from standing in one place. Now you will be forced to move around more often. Spear throwers have very low HP and are easily defeated in 1-2 skills.


There are 2 relevant Daily Quests relating to Star’s End at Calpheon Northwestern Outpost. Speak to Elionian Priestess to receive [Repeat] Evidence of Corruption Quest that rewards you with a Caphras Stone.

At the South West exit of Calpheon Northwestern Outpost you will meet a Soldier and can take [Repeat] Stenchful Frontline Quest, which will reward you with an item exchangeable for Mass of Pure Magic.

Bring 15x Destructive Illusions to the NPC located at Star’s End to receive 1x Mass of Pure Magic.

[Repeat] Evidence of CorruptionCollect 10 tentacles from the Remnants of CorruptionCaphras Stone
[Repeat] Stenchful FrontlineDefeat 10 Apostles of Corruption.Destructive Illusion

Scrolls & Buffs for Star’s End Grinding


Blue vs Yellow Loot Scroll in Star’s End?

No Loot Scroll2 hours
Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min)
1 hour
Item Collection Increase Scroll: Advanced (60 min)
Item Drop Rate +100%
Item Drop Amount +50%
Item Drop Rate +100%
ItemDrop Amount +100%
Trash amount3,50010,5007,000

The answer to that question comes to personal preference, I will just present you with the data. Comparing 2 hours of Blue and 1 hour Yellow Loot Scroll, you will have ~33% more trash amount by grinding 2 hours with Blue.

Use the Yellow Loot Scroll, if you are fine with giving up a third, but grinding 1 hour less.

If you are running low on Loot Scrolls or have more free time, use the Blue Loot Scroll.

Using Loot Scroll & Agris for Trash Loot

It is a known fact that in Black Desert decimal places of trash number get rounded down. (That is the reason Blue Loot Scroll does not affect drop amount at Mirumok Ruins!)

Except Elites, Star’s End monsters drop either x1, x2 or x3 trash.

Agris and Blue LSAgris and Yellow LS
Trash amountx1, x2, x3x3, x6, x9x3.5, x7, x10.5

As you can see, Agris and Yellow LS will get rounded down to x3, x7, x10 instead of x3.5, x7, x10.5. Obviously, it is better to use Agris and Blue LS due to odd numbers appearing more often in the loot table.


Alchemy Stone

Obviously Vell's Heart is what you want, except if you are not at that point of your gear progression viable option would be Alchemy Stone of Destruction. I would not advise buy anything more expensive than the Sturdy Alchemy Stone of Destruction.

Vell's HeartSturdy Alchemy Stone of Destruction
All AP +8
All Accuracy +10
Ignores All Resistance +5%
Attack Speed +5%
Casting Speed +5%
All AP +6
All Accuracy +8

Church Buff

You can get the Church Buff in Calpheon by talking to the NPC Leona and exchanging 5x Gold Bar 1G (~500k Silver) for the following buffs which are rolled randomly and stay on you for 2 hours:

  • Elionism’s Blessing – Attack – All AP +3/+5/+8 / All Accuracy +3/+5/+8
  • Elionism’s Blessing – Protection – HP +50/+100/+150 / DR +3/+5/+8

Meal Buff

Simple Cron Meal is what you wanna go for, because of its Monster Damage. If you feel like you lack Accuracy and Duel for the spot frequently use Exquisite Cron Meal.

Simple Cron MealExquisite Cron Meal
Extra AP against Monsters +30
Combat EXP +20%
Skill EXP +10%
Attack Speed +2
Casting Speed +2
Movement Speed +3
Max HP +150
Chance to Gain Knowledge +10%
Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +5%
Weight Limit +100LT
Down Attack Damage +5%
Damage from Monsters -6%
Heatstroke/Hypothermia Resistance +10%
All AP +8
All Accuracy +15
Attack Speed +2
Casting Speed +2
Movement Speed +2
Critical Hit +2
All Evasion +15
Max HP +150
Max Stamina +200
Back Attack Damage +5%
Critical Hit Damage +5%
All Resistance +4%
Ignores All Resistance +4%

Elixir Buff

While Draughts and normal Elixirs don’t stack, you can stack a Perfume with either of them:


Spirit Perfume Elixir is the best in slot Elixir. You will never run out of the secondary resource and your Critical Hit Rate will hit the maximum amount. There is no reason not to use it. Although, if you still feel yourself squishy and have some Event versions of Khalk's Elixir laying around it is a viable option as well.

Spirit Perfume ElixirKhalk's Elixir
MAX HP +300
Critical Hit Rate +5
MP/WP/SP +3 per every good hit
All Resistance +10%
Damage Reduction +15
Max HP +100
Movement Speed +5%

Frenzy Draught is generally the best choice for any class, it offers everything you need for Star’s End, except tankiness. For the lack of later, consider substituting it with Beast's Draught, which also is a cheaper option.

Frenzy DraughtBeast's Draught
Extra AP Against Monsters +30
All Accuracy +12
Max Stamina +200
HP Recovery +3 per hit
All DP -15
Critical Hit Damage +10%
Weight Limit +100 LT
Extra AP against Monsters +15
Combat EXP +20%
Skill EXP +10%
Recover HP +1 on Attack
Damage from Monsters -10%
Weight Limit +100 LT

To make the maximum use of Star’s End specific knockdown mechanic we can run Elixirs instead of Draughts, since the latter doesn’t offer Down Attack damage modifier. In general it is better to use Elixirs, but not always convenient. Note that Elixirs and Draughts do not stack with each other.

  • Elixir of Sharp Detection – Critical Hit Damage +15%
  • Elixir of Endless Frenzy – All DP -8 / All AP +13
  • Elixir of Brutal Carnage – Down Attack Damage +15%
  • Elixir of Fierce Demihuman Hunt – Extra Damage Against Demihumans +15

House Furniture Buff

The only buff I will recommend is Master’s Stuffed Black Leopard Head:

  • Master's Stuffed Black Leopard Head – All AP +9 for 1 hour

Villa Buff

Since there is no Repair NPC at the node, you will need a Naphart Campsite, which is debatably a P2W item. By placing it on the ground and interacting with it you will have an option to purchase a Body Enhancement buff for 60/90/180 minutes priced at 1,000,000/1,500,000/4,500,000 Silver respectively.

Make sure that you have a valid Villa Invitation (7 Days) in your inventory, or the Pearl Shop Item – Secret Book of Old Moon active:

  • [Villa] Body Enhancement – All AP +10 / All DP + 10 / Max HP +200 / All Resistance +10% / Ignores All Resistance +5%

Buffs Overview

In summary that’s how your buffs will look like:

  • Alchemy StoneVell's Heart
  • MealSimple Cron Meal
  • PerfumeSpirit Perfume Elixir
  • ElixirFrenzy Draught
    • OR Elixir of Sharp Detection
    • Elixir of Endless Frenzy
    • Elixir of Brutal Carnage
    • Elixir of Fierce Demihuman Hunt
  • Villa Buff – [Villa] Body Enhancement
  • Church Buff
  • Furniture BuffMaster's Stuffed Black Leopard Head

Extra Tips for Star’s End

  • Ask your guildies to look for Star’s End Guild Mission to boost your profit even higher.
  • Group monsters around big guys – Apostle of Immorality, since they move slower. It’s gonna save you precious time in the long run.
  • A skill with a big AoE should be used to group mobs. That way they will transit faster into their attack or chase animation. Great example of such skill is Maewhas – Oppression, Archers – Arrow Explosion or Sorceresses – Mark of The Shadow.
  • Have a skill with +30 AP against monsters addon. If you don’t, visit the Skill Instructor at the nearest city.
  • Try not to absorb your Z buff at the same time with your E/Q buff, but prolong them. Use one when the other is not active.
  • You can use Traveler’s Map to instantly teleport you to Calpheon, saving some travel time.
  • Place plenty of HP Potions in your Calpheon Storage and transfer them to you with Maids, in case you don’t have Infinite Potion.

Check the grinding videos below for your specific class, and try to mimic the pulling and skill rotations:

APTrash/Hour, Blue LS
Warrior Succ299299 전워 별무 폐허 일줌, 노아그 6685 / BDO Warrior Succession Star’s End 6685 (+50% scroll, no agris)6685
Warrior Awa278Blackdesert Warrior – Star’s end 5400/hr(50% loot scroll) : AP 274/2785400
Sorceress Awa294
Ranger Succ298BDO Ranger Succession 6.2k/hr Star’s End Trash Normal Loot Scroll6200
Ranger Awa274
Archer286BDO – Archer 286AP Kutum – Star’s End Rotation 5500-5600 trash5600
Lahn Succ269BDO Lahn Stars End 269AP 5300/hr 50% lootscroll5300
Lahn Awa281[RU] Lahn 5k+/hour star grave 281 kutum5000
Kuno Succ274Куноичи звездная гробница 4900+/Kunoichi Star’s End 4900+4900
Witch Succ279BDO Witch Succession Star’s end Grind(Kutum 279AP) [검은사막 위치 그녕] 쿠툼 279공 전승위치 별무덤 5200++5200
Witch Awa281Волшебница 281 и звёздная гробница 5100-52005200
Hashashin Succ246BDO Hashashin 246 AP / 5.0k+ trash/hour at Star’s End (blue, no agris)5000
Hashashin Succ275BDO – Hashashin succession 275 ap 5600 Stars End: Temple Rotation (Blue Loot Scroll)5600
Hasshashin Awa289BDO Hashashin Awakening Stars End/Хассашин БДО Звездная Гробница Пробуждение 289 289 Ремастер 5к+5000
Valk Succ269BDO SEA 269kutum Succession Valk 5100+ trash/hr Stars End Temple Rotation5100
Valk Awa269BDO Valkyrie Kutum 269 AP Star end 5000+ [ 50% Scroll, No Agris ]5000
Shai272BDO SHAI 272 kutum | 4350+/h Stars End4350
Sage Awa267[BDO] Sage Awakening 267AP Star’s end 5.6k+/hr (blue 50%, no agris) | 검은사막 각성 세이지 별무덤 해안가자리 5600+5600
Guardian Awa305BDO Guardian Stars End Cliff 6400+ trash per hour6400
Maewha Awa286Maehwa Awakening Star’s End 5800-5900/hour. Blue LS, No Agris. 286k5900

Happy Grinding!


Mass of Pure Magic

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (102)

Weight: 0.35 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: A mass of pure energy that can be used to synthesize the concentrated magical power of black crystals.
    It is used to craft Flawless Magical Black Stones, which are required to enhance Blackstar weapons.
  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters or gathering
    Grinding Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor)
    Looting field bosses
    Hunting Khalks or whales
    Harvesting magical seeds or Mysterious Seeds
    Excavating the node Star's End
    Manufacturing Remnants of the Rift
    Complete [Weekly] Delivering Essence of Tunta quest

    • - Price: Silver 51,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (103)Black Spirit's Claw(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (104)Remnants of the Rift(1)


Black Distortion Earring


6 ~ 6



Weight: 0.40 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 319,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 20.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: An earring seething with the intense ominous energy of Star's End. The earring grants great power, however it may distort the body of those who wear it.
    It can be enhanced with the same item, but if enhancement fails, both will be lost.
    • - Price: Silver 260,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100

Black Stone

Black Stone (Armor)

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (105)

Weight: 0.35 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 127,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Once used to enhance armor through the Black Spirit. Cannot be used anymore.
  • - Usage: Exchange for Black Stone (Weapon) via the Black Spirit.
    • - Price: Silver 9,000

Black Stone

Black Stone

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (106)

Weight: 0.35 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 280,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: This item can be used to enhance gear through the Black Spirit.

    - Able to Enhance: Weapon, Sub-weapon, , Defense gear

    - Press RMB to start enhancement.

    - Max durability will decrease by 5 for failed enhancement.

    • - Price: Silver 13,500
    • - Workload(900)

      About 180 min. based on Worker Speed 50 (with 100% Farming Resources)

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (107)Black Stone Powder(200)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (108)Tyrant's Blood(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (109)Oil of Fortitude(2)

Clear Blackstar Crystal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (110)

Weight: 0.30 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: A clear crystal which has not yet been filled with anything.
    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Clear Blackstar Crystal x1, Magic Crystal of Infinity - Critical Hit x1, Forest Fury x3 into a Corrupted Magic Crystal.
    • - Price: Silver 100,000

Attack Crystal

Corrupted Magic Crystal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (111)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 45,900,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Increased Extra Damage
  • Max Transfusable by Group: 2
  • - Description: A Black Stone Crystal that can be fused into a crystal socket.
    • - Effect
    • Critical Hit Damage +10%
    • All AP +2
    • All Damage Reduction -2
    • - 2-Set Effect
    • Critical Hit Damage +2%
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    Clear Blackstar Crystal x1
    Magic Crystal of Infinity - Critical Hit x1
    Forest Fury x3

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    Critical Hit Damage +10%
    All AP +2
    All Damage Reduction -2

    - 2 crystal set effect:
    Critical Hit Damage +2%

  • ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 381,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (112)Clear Blackstar Crystal(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (113)Magic Crystal of Infinity - Critical Hit(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (114)Forest Fury(3)


Forest Fury

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (115)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 7,500,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 0.10 VT
  • - Description: It is filled with years of rage built up in the woods

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Black Magic Crystal - Harphia, Black Magic Crystal - Cobelinus, Black Magic Crystal - Viper,
    Black Magic Crystal - Hystria, Black Magic Crystal - Carmae, OR Black Magic Crystal - Addis
    and Magical Shard x10, Forest Fury x1 to turn the black magic
    crystal into a JIN, BON, or WON crystal.

    • - Price: Silver 60,000

Attack Crystal

Black Magic Crystal - Precision

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (116)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 2,450,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Ignore All Resistance
  • Max Transfusable by Group: 2
  • - Description: A Black Stone Crystal that can be fused into crystal sockets.
    • - Effect
    • All Accuracy +8
    • Ignore All Resistances +10%
  • - How to obtain

    Defeat monsters in certain zones

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    All Accuracy +8
    Ignore All Resistance +10%
  • ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 11,800
    • - Similar Items
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (117)Yellow Grade Black Magic Crystals


Mass of Pure Magic

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (118)

Weight: 0.35 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: A mass of pure energy that can be used to synthesize the concentrated magical power of black crystals.
    It is used to craft Flawless Magical Black Stones, which are required to enhance Blackstar weapons.
  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters or gathering
    Grinding Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor)
    Looting field bosses
    Hunting Khalks or whales
    Harvesting magical seeds or Mysterious Seeds
    Excavating the node Star's End
    Manufacturing Remnants of the Rift
    Complete [Weekly] Delivering Essence of Tunta quest

    • - Price: Silver 51,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (119)Black Spirit's Claw(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (120)Remnants of the Rift(1)

Item Piece

Ancient Spirit Dust

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (121)

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: Dust used to purge black energy.
  • - How to obtain

    Quests, defeating monsters, or Gathering

  • - Usage: Craft Caphras Stone

    - Crafting Method: Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy

    - Crafting Materials:
    Ancient Spirit Dust x5
    Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor) x1

    - For Mass Processing:
    Ancient Spirit Dust x50
    Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor) x10
    Black Stone Powder x1

    • - Price: Silver 3,000

Black Stone

Caphras Stone

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (122)

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,790,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: It said that the immortal alchemist Caphras used stones like this as the ultimate catalyst. The stone is sometimes referred to as the solar stone, because of the intense and pure energy that emits from it. It can be used to unlock the full potential of a gear without the risk of experiencing any dark side effects.

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x5 and Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x1 into Caphras Stone x1.
    Use Simple Alchemy to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x50, Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x10, and Black Stone Powder x1 to get Caphras Stone x10.

  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters in Balenos, Valencia, Kamasylvia, or Drieghan
    - How to Obtain: Mining, lumbering, fluid collecting (sap), fluid collecting (blood), underwater gathering, butchering, or tanning

    – Press RMB to start enhancement.

    • - Price: Silver 300,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (123)Ancient Spirit Dust(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (124)Black Stone(1)

Black Stone

Caphras Stone

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (125)

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,790,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: It said that the immortal alchemist Caphras used stones like this as the ultimate catalyst. The stone is sometimes referred to as the solar stone, because of the intense and pure energy that emits from it. It can be used to unlock the full potential of a gear without the risk of experiencing any dark side effects.

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x5 and Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x1 into Caphras Stone x1.
    Use Simple Alchemy to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x50, Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x10, and Black Stone Powder x1 to get Caphras Stone x10.

  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters in Balenos, Valencia, Kamasylvia, or Drieghan
    - How to Obtain: Mining, lumbering, fluid collecting (sap), fluid collecting (blood), underwater gathering, butchering, or tanning

    – Press RMB to start enhancement.

    • - Price: Silver 300,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (126)Ancient Spirit Dust(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (127)Black Stone(1)


Trace of Origin

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (128)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 186,000 Silver
  • - Description: A material used for Crafting equipment.
  • - How to obtain

    It can be Excavated at Glish Ruins, Fountain of Origin.

    • - Price: Silver 500


Sanguine Crystal of Despair

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (129)

Weight: 0.30 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: Sanguine crystal left by the creatures of despair given birth to by the Blackstar.

    Vendors would buy this item at a fair price.

    • - Price: Silver 15,500


Destroyed Star Fragment

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (130)

Weight: 0.30 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: Piece of a destroyed Blackstar. It's only a broken piece but mysterious power can be felt from within.

    Vendors would buy this item at a fair price.

    • - Price: Silver 750

Crafting Material

Intricately Patterned Mystical Shard

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (131)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: There is a low chance of obtaining the item when you defeat monsters in any region.
  • - How to Use:
  • ※ How to Obtain Design: Karlstein to craft Karlstein outfit boxes:
    1. Accept the quest "A Hero in Karlstein I" from Rubin the Herald of Calpheon City and complete the questline in order to obtain the item.
    2. Accept the quest "[Daily] To Become Karlstein" from Clara Siciliano the Bookseller of Calpheon City and complete the quest in order to obtain more of this item.

    • - Price: Silver 50,000


Laila's Petal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (132)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: Fairy Laila's aura from the unstable rift. Take two to Fairy Queen Theiah to get a "Sealed Fairy Wings," containing a Fairy within.
  • - How to Use:
  • ※ Category: Fairy
    ※ Main Usage: Important ingredient to exchange into fairies, helpful companions to any adventurer

    - Exchange Info
    Kamasylve Temple
    - Exchange 1: Mystical Spirit Powder x5
    - Exchange 2: Sealed Fairy Wings x1
    - Exchange 10: Fairy's Blessing x1

    • - Price: Silver 500,000


Sweet Honey Wine

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (133)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,010,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Wine made from honey, a favorite of Fairies. It is tooth-achingly sweet.
  • - How to obtain

    It can be produced by using a Cooking Utensil in your residence if you are at least Cooking Beginner 1.

    – You can use this to grow your Fairy; it gives more EXP than other materials that can be used to grow your Fairy.

  • - Usage: Choose "Growth" in the Fairy Information window and select this item.

    ※ Caution: Any attempt at making a Sweet Honey Wine without having first acquired knowledge of Sweet Honey Wine will result in failure regardless of whether the right ingredients were used, and all the ingredients used during the cooking attempt will be consumed.

    • - Crafting Materials(Beginner 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (134)Cooking Honey(2)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (135)Full-bodied Exotic Herbal Wine(4)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (136)Sugar(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (137)Fruits(2)


Valks’ Cry

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (138)

Weight: 0.00LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: Effect: Valks Enhancement Chance + 1
    ※ Valks enhancement chance, which you get from Valks' Cry or Fairy's Blessing, is separate from the enhancement chance you get from failed enhancements.
    ※ The total amount of Valks enhancement chance you can accumulate is +10.
    ※ You have to complete the quest '[Awakening] Traces of Edana' or reach Lv. 30 to use this item.

    ※ Completing all 4 volumes of the Herald's Journal will increase the total amount to +13.

    ※ Category: Enhancement
    ※ Main Usage: Increases Enhancement Chance

    • - Price: N/A


Fairy's Blessing

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: The fairy finished her journey and returned to her homeland, but she left behind a present for you made from the memories of you guys together.
  • Effect: Valks Enhancement Chance +1
    ※ Valks enhancement chance, which you get from Valks' Cry or Fairy's Blessing, is separate from the enhancement chance you get from failed enhancements.
    ※ The total amount of Valks enhancement chance you can accumulate is+10.
    ※ You have to complete the quest "[Awakening] Traces of Edana" or reach Lv. 30 to use this item.

    "I hope the memories of our time together can give you strength."

    ※ Category: Enhancement
    ※ Main Usage: Increases Enhancement Chance

    • - Price: N/A

Black Energy Residue

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (140)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: The crystallized essence of magical powers extracted from monsters. The item is used to craft Dragon Slayer Weapons, the secret Awakening Weapons of Drieghan.
  • - How to obtain

    Obtain this item by defeating monsters in all areas.

  • - Usage: The item may be crafted using Refined Black Energy Residue at a 1 level Weapon Workshop at Duvencrune 5.

    - Refined Black Energy Residue Material: Black Energy Residue x25

    - Refined Black Energy Residue x11 are needed to craft a Hesed's Crystal. Hesed's Crystal x16, Hughol's Weapon and Dragon Slayer Weapon Blueprint x20 are required to craft a Dragon Slayer Weapon.

    • - Price: Silver 3,000

Courser Training

Pure Forest Breath

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (141)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 940,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Wild grass glistening with morning dew. It invigorates horses that eat it.

    - Usage: Courser Training - Strength (Doom)
    - Effect: Increases Training Level by 1% (Effects are reduced to half after Training Level exceeds 100%)
    - How to Obtain: Low chance to obtain through hunting monsters across all areas.

    • - Price: Silver 50,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (142)Wind Spirit Stone Fragment(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (143)Earth Spirit Stone Fragment(10)

Attack Crystal

Black Magic Crystal - Precision

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (144)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 2,450,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Ignore All Resistance
  • Max Transfusable by Group: 2
  • - Description: A Black Stone Crystal that can be fused into crystal sockets.
    • - Effect
    • All Accuracy +8
    • Ignore All Resistances +10%
  • - How to obtain

    Defeat monsters in certain zones

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    All Accuracy +8
    Ignore All Resistance +10%
  • ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 11,800
    • - Similar Items
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (145)Yellow Grade Black Magic Crystals

Black Stone

Caphras Stone

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (146)

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,790,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: It said that the immortal alchemist Caphras used stones like this as the ultimate catalyst. The stone is sometimes referred to as the solar stone, because of the intense and pure energy that emits from it. It can be used to unlock the full potential of a gear without the risk of experiencing any dark side effects.

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x5 and Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x1 into Caphras Stone x1.
    Use Simple Alchemy to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x50, Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x10, and Black Stone Powder x1 to get Caphras Stone x10.

  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters in Balenos, Valencia, Kamasylvia, or Drieghan
    - How to Obtain: Mining, lumbering, fluid collecting (sap), fluid collecting (blood), underwater gathering, butchering, or tanning

    – Press RMB to start enhancement.

    • - Price: Silver 300,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (147)Ancient Spirit Dust(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (148)Black Stone(1)

Item Piece

Ancient Spirit Dust

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (149)

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: Dust used to purge black energy.
  • - How to obtain

    Quests, defeating monsters, or Gathering

  • - Usage: Craft Caphras Stone

    - Crafting Method: Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy

    - Crafting Materials:
    Ancient Spirit Dust x5
    Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor) x1

    - For Mass Processing:
    Ancient Spirit Dust x50
    Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor) x10
    Black Stone Powder x1

    • - Price: Silver 3,000


Trace of Origin

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (150)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 186,000 Silver
  • - Description: A material used for Crafting equipment.
  • - How to obtain

    It can be Excavated at Glish Ruins, Fountain of Origin.

    • - Price: Silver 500

Black Stone

Black Stone (Armor)

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (151)

Weight: 0.35 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 127,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Once used to enhance armor through the Black Spirit. Cannot be used anymore.
  • - Usage: Exchange for Black Stone (Weapon) via the Black Spirit.
    • - Price: Silver 9,000

Black Stone

Black Stone

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (152)

Weight: 0.35 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 280,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: This item can be used to enhance gear through the Black Spirit.

    - Able to Enhance: Weapon, Sub-weapon, , Defense gear

    - Press RMB to start enhancement.

    - Max durability will decrease by 5 for failed enhancement.

    • - Price: Silver 13,500
    • - Workload(900)

      About 180 min. based on Worker Speed 50 (with 100% Farming Resources)

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (153)Black Stone Powder(200)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (154)Tyrant's Blood(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (155)Oil of Fortitude(2)


Black Distortion Earring


6 ~ 6



Weight: 0.40 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 319,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 20.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: An earring seething with the intense ominous energy of Star's End. The earring grants great power, however it may distort the body of those who wear it.
    It can be enhanced with the same item, but if enhancement fails, both will be lost.
    • - Price: Silver 260,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100


Blackstar Crossbow


22 ~ 28



Weight: 7.00 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Flexible
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: Price info is currently unavailable.
    • Warehouse Capacity: 10.00 VT
  • - Can be dyed
    • - Archer Exclusive
    • Available from level 1
  • - Description: A weapon made with the claw obtained by defeating the Incarnation of Corruption at Star's End. It is imbued with the power of the ancient Ator. Only Dorin Morgrim can forge this weapon.

    ※ This item cannot be enhanced with Caphras Stones.

    • - Effect
    • Extra Damage to All Species +10
    • Extra AP against Monsters +0
    • Critical Hit Damage +2%
    • - Price: Silver 2,250,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100

Attack Crystal

Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame - Power

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (156)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 338,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: No Group
  • Max Transfusable by Group: No Limit
  • - Description: A Black Stone Crystal that can be fused into crystal sockets.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +5
  • - How to obtain

    Defeat monsters in certain zones

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    All AP +5
  • ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 35,800

Combined Crystal

HAN Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (157)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 120,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Hoom
  • Max Transfusable by Group: No Limit
  • - Description: A Black Stone crystal that can be transfused into a crystal socket. The set effect depends on the number of Hoom crystals transfused to your gear.
    • - Effect
    • All Accuracy +2
    • All Resistance +1
    • Max HP +30
    • - 2-Set Effect
    • All Damage Reduction +5
    • Max HP +150
    • All Evasion+4
    • - 4-Set Effect
    • All Damage Reduction +5
    • Max HP +150
    • All Evasion +4
    • All Accuracy +8
    • All Resistance +3%
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    JIN, BON, or WON Magic Crystal x1
    Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom x1
    Garmoth's Scale x3

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    All Accuracy +2
    All Resistance +1%
    Max HP +30
  • - The 2 crystal and 4 crystal set effects are applied separately, and only once each.

    ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 450,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (158)Garmoth's Scale(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (159)Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (160)BON Magic Crystal - Viper(1)


Kutum Ra'ghon


4 ~ 6





- Evasion: 2(+6)

- Damage Reduction: 2

Weight: 5.00 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Flexible
    • - Archer Exclusive
    • Available from level 1
  • - Description: A ra'ghon made with Ancient Kutum's melted core. It exudes Kutum's fiery energy.
    • - Price: Silver 750,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100

Attack Crystal

Corrupted Magic Crystal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (161)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 45,900,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Increased Extra Damage
  • Max Transfusable by Group: 2
  • - Description: A Black Stone Crystal that can be fused into a crystal socket.
    • - Effect
    • Critical Hit Damage +10%
    • All AP +2
    • All Damage Reduction -2
    • - 2-Set Effect
    • Critical Hit Damage +2%
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    Clear Blackstar Crystal x1
    Magic Crystal of Infinity - Critical Hit x1
    Forest Fury x3

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    Critical Hit Damage +10%
    All AP +2
    All Damage Reduction -2

    - 2 crystal set effect:
    Critical Hit Damage +2%

  • ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 381,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (162)Clear Blackstar Crystal(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (163)Magic Crystal of Infinity - Critical Hit(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (164)Forest Fury(3)


Dandelion Greatbow


18 ~ 27

Weight: 13.50 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
  • - Can be dyed
    • - Archer Exclusive
    • Available from level 56
  • - Description: An exceptional greatbow created by Kamasylvia's most skilled blacksmith with the craftsmanship of Dandelion.
    • - Price: Silver 750,000


Griffon's Helmet



- Evasion: 3(+6)

- Damage Reduction: 4(+5)

Weight: 16.00 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 271,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 50.00 VT
  • - Can be dyed
  • - Description: A helmet that emits a Griffon's powerful aura of resistance.
    - Equip at least 3 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect
    (Red Nose's Armor/Dim Tree Spirit's Armor, Bheg's Gloves/Leebur's Gloves, Muskan's Shoes/Urugon's Shoes)
    • - Effect
    • All Resistance +5%
    • - 3-Set Effect
    • Max Stamina +200
    • - 4-Set Effect
    • Attack Speed +1 Level
    • Casting Speed +1 Level
    • - Price: Silver 36,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100

Combined Crystal

HAN Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (165)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 120,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Hoom
  • Max Transfusable by Group: No Limit
  • - Description: A Black Stone crystal that can be transfused into a crystal socket. The set effect depends on the number of Hoom crystals transfused to your gear.
    • - Effect
    • All Accuracy +2
    • All Resistance +1
    • Max HP +30
    • - 2-Set Effect
    • All Damage Reduction +5
    • Max HP +150
    • All Evasion+4
    • - 4-Set Effect
    • All Damage Reduction +5
    • Max HP +150
    • All Evasion +4
    • All Accuracy +8
    • All Resistance +3%
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    JIN, BON, or WON Magic Crystal x1
    Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom x1
    Garmoth's Scale x3

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    All Accuracy +2
    All Resistance +1%
    Max HP +30
  • - The 2 crystal and 4 crystal set effects are applied separately, and only once each.

    ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 450,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (166)Garmoth's Scale(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (167)Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (168)BON Magic Crystal - Viper(1)


Dim Tree Spirit's Armor



- Evasion: 5(+15)

- Damage Reduction: 1(+10)

Weight: 21.00 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 281,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 50.00 VT
  • - Can be dyed
  • - Description: Dim Tree Spirit Armor. You can feel the power of nature in it.
    - Equip at least 3 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect
    (Giath's Helmet/Griffon's Helmet, Bheg's Gloves/Leebur's Gloves, Muskan's Shoes/Urugon's Shoes)
    • - Effect
    • Max HP +200
    • Max MP(EP)/WP/SP +100
    • - 3-Set Effect
    • Max Stamina +200
    • - 4-Set Effect
    • Attack Speed +1 Level
    • Casting Speed +1 Level
    • - Price: Silver 54,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100

Defense Crystal

Dark Red Fang Crystal - Armor

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (169)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 331,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Dark Red Armor
  • Max Transfusable by Group: 2
  • - Description: A Black Stone Crystal that can be fused into Armor sockets.
    "The violent shadow of Kagtum echoes in the midst."
    • - Effect
    • All Damage Reduction +7
    • All Resistance +2%
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    Kagtunak x1
    Black Magic Crystal - Armor x1

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    All Damage Reduction +7
    All Resistance +2%
  • ※ This crystal has a low chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused into equippable gear via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 358,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (170)Black Magic Crystal - Armor(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (171)Kagtunak(1)


Bheg's Gloves





- Evasion: 1(+3)

- Damage Reduction: 1(+5)

Weight: 10.00 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 275,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 50.00 VT
  • - Can be dyed
  • - Description: Bheg's gloves. Adds sharpness to the attack of the wearer.
    - Equip at least 3 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect
    (Giath's Helmet/Griffon's Helmet, Red Nose's Armor/Dim Tree Spirit's Armor, Muskan's Shoes/Urugon's Shoes)
    • - Effect
    • All Accuracy
    • - 3-Set Effect
    • Max Stamina +200
    • - 4-Set Effect
    • Attack Speed +1 Level
    • Casting Speed +1 Level
    • - Price: Silver 24,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100

Attack Crystal

JIN Magic Crystal - Viper

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (172)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 326,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Viper
  • Max Transfusable by Group: 2
  • - Description: A Black Stone crystal that can be transfused into a crystal socket.
    • - Effect
    • Attack Speed +1
    • Casting Speed +1
    • All Accuracy +20
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials (according to a set probability)
    Black Magic Crystal - Viper x1
    Forest Fury x1
    Magical Shard x10

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    Attack Speed +1
    Casting Speed +1
    All Accuracy +20
  • ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    ※ Obtain Forest Fury by defeating monsters in Kamasylvia.
    ※ Obtain Magical Shard by heating yellow-grade Black Magic Crystals.

    • - Price: Silver 381,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (173)Black Magic Crystal - Viper(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (174)Magical Shard(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (175)Forest Fury(1)

Combined Crystal

HAN Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (176)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 120,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Hoom
  • Max Transfusable by Group: No Limit
  • - Description: A Black Stone crystal that can be transfused into a crystal socket. The set effect depends on the number of Hoom crystals transfused to your gear.
    • - Effect
    • All Accuracy +2
    • All Resistance +1
    • Max HP +30
    • - 2-Set Effect
    • All Damage Reduction +5
    • Max HP +150
    • All Evasion+4
    • - 4-Set Effect
    • All Damage Reduction +5
    • Max HP +150
    • All Evasion +4
    • All Accuracy +8
    • All Resistance +3%
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    JIN, BON, or WON Magic Crystal x1
    Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom x1
    Garmoth's Scale x3

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    All Accuracy +2
    All Resistance +1%
    Max HP +30
  • - The 2 crystal and 4 crystal set effects are applied separately, and only once each.

    ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    • - Price: Silver 450,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (177)Garmoth's Scale(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (178)Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (179)BON Magic Crystal - Viper(1)


Urugon's Shoes



- Evasion: 3(+3)

- Damage Reduction: 3(+1)

Weight: 11.00 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 265,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 50.00 VT
  • - Can be dyed
  • - Description: Urugon's Shoes. Made with the same material as the Ancient Weapons, it is sturdy and stable.
    - Equip at least 3 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect
    (Giath's Helmet/Griffon's Helmet, Red Nose's Armor/Dim Tree Spirit's Armor, Bheg's Gloves/Leebur's Gloves)
    • - Effect
    • All Damage Reduction
    • Movement Speed +1
    • - 3-Set Effect
    • Max Stamina +200
    • - 4-Set Effect
    • Attack Speed +1 Level
    • Casting Speed +1 Level
    • - Price: Silver 54,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100

Defense Crystal

Red Battlefield Crystal: Adamantine

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (180)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 510,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Crystal Group: Increased Resistance I
  • Max Transfusable by Group: 2
  • - Description: A Black Stone crystal that can be transfused into a crystal socket.
    • - Effect
    • Knockdown/Bound Resistance +25%
    • Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +5%
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Heating with the following materials
    Red Essence x1
    Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature - Adamantine x1

  • - Usage: Transfuse to gain the following effects
    Knockdown/Bound Resistance +25%
    Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +5%
  • ※ This crystal has a chance of shattering upon death.
    ※ Press RMB to start transfusion.
    ※ Crystals can be transfused via the Black Spirit.

    ※ Exchange Battlefield Token obtained from the Red Battlefield via Ornella in Heidel for Red Essences.

    • - Price: Silver 358,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (181)Red Essence(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (182)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature - Adamantine(1)


Ring of Crescent Guardian


5 ~ 5



Weight: 0.17 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 19,800,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 20.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: A ring of a guardian of the Crescent Shrine. The power of the ancients is still intact in this artifact.
    It can be enhanced with the same item, but if enhancement fails, both will be lost.
    • - Price: Silver 680,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100
    • - Workload(750)

      About 150 min. based on Worker Speed 50 (with 100% Farming Resources)

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (183)Yona's Fragment(15)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (184)Melted Titanium Shard(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (185)Trace of Chaos(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (186)Black Stone Powder(20)


Capotia Earring


13 ~ 13



Weight: 0.40 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: An earring that the Secret Guards found. It is decorated with the Crystal of Symmetry, an ancient treasure. It exudes powerful energy.
  • It can be enhanced with the same item, but due to the Crystal of Symmetry, the item will not be destroyed if enhancement fails. However, the enhancement level will drop and the max durability will decrease by 10.

    - Ingredient for Max Durability Repair: Yona's Fragment

    How to obtain Capotia Accessories
    Ring: Reach Lv. 58
    Earring: Reach Lv. 59
    Belt: Reach Lv. 60
    Necklace: Reach Lv. 61
    After reaching Lv. 61, you can craft a Capotia Earring by processing Yona's Fragment x300, Nouver's Latent Aura x3, Oil of Corruption x5 with Manufacture.

    • - Price: N/A
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (187)Yona's Fragment(300)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (188)Latent Boss Aura(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (189)Oil of Corruption(5)


Ogre Ring


10 ~ 10



Weight: 1.00 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 45,500,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 20.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description:
    A necklace that contains the overwhelming energy of an Ogre.
    Ogre rings tend to be so large that other races often use them as necklaces.
    It can be enhanced with the same item, but if enhancement fails, both will be lost.
    • - Price: Silver 275,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100


Basilisk's Belt


5 ~ 5



Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Enhancement Type: Fixed
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 15,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 20.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: A belt that still has the cold energy of Basilisk in it.
    It can be enhanced with the same item, but if enhancement fails, both will be lost.
    • - Effect
    • Weight Limit +80LT
    • - Price: Silver 840,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100
    • - Workload(750)

      About 150 min. based on Worker Speed 50 (with 100% Farming Resources)

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (190)Yona's Fragment(20)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (191)Fine Thick Fur(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (192)Trace of the Earth(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (193)Black Stone Powder(20)


Sturdy Alchemy Stone of Destruction

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (194)

Weight: 0.05 LT

  • - Unrepairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Cannot be enhanced
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 38,600,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: Sturdy alchemy stone of destruction produced through alchemy.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +6
    • All Accuracy +8
  • - How to Use:
    • - Duration: 5 min.
  • - Growth Attempt: You need to be Alchemy Apprentice 1 or up.
    - Fuel: oil, blood, reagent
    - Polishing Material: pure metal crystal, ingot
    - Use Grinding in the Processing window (L)to get Alchemy Stone Shard.

    • - Price: Silver 160,000
  • - Durability
  • 150 / 150

Hunter's Clothes

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (195)

Weight: 1.50 LT

  • - Repairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Cannot be enhanced
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: Casual clothes for a hunter. Vision Range increases when equipped. In addition, damage from falling off high places reduced.

    ※If you use an Equipment Tailoring Coupon, you will get the same item as a costume.

    If you exchange it for a costume, you cannot register it in the Marketplace.

    • - Effect
    • Hunting EXP +10%
    • Vision Range +10m
    • Fall Damage -50%
    • - Price: Silver 450,000
  • - Durability
  • 100 / 100

Black Stone

Caphras Stone

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (196)

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,790,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: It said that the immortal alchemist Caphras used stones like this as the ultimate catalyst. The stone is sometimes referred to as the solar stone, because of the intense and pure energy that emits from it. It can be used to unlock the full potential of a gear without the risk of experiencing any dark side effects.

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x5 and Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x1 into Caphras Stone x1.
    Use Simple Alchemy to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x50, Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x10, and Black Stone Powder x1 to get Caphras Stone x10.

  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters in Balenos, Valencia, Kamasylvia, or Drieghan
    - How to Obtain: Mining, lumbering, fluid collecting (sap), fluid collecting (blood), underwater gathering, butchering, or tanning

    – Press RMB to start enhancement.

    • - Price: Silver 300,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (197)Ancient Spirit Dust(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (198)Black Stone(1)

Black Stone

Caphras Stone

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (199)

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,790,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: It said that the immortal alchemist Caphras used stones like this as the ultimate catalyst. The stone is sometimes referred to as the solar stone, because of the intense and pure energy that emits from it. It can be used to unlock the full potential of a gear without the risk of experiencing any dark side effects.

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x5 and Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x1 into Caphras Stone x1.
    Use Simple Alchemy to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x50, Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x10, and Black Stone Powder x1 to get Caphras Stone x10.

  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters in Balenos, Valencia, Kamasylvia, or Drieghan
    - How to Obtain: Mining, lumbering, fluid collecting (sap), fluid collecting (blood), underwater gathering, butchering, or tanning

    – Press RMB to start enhancement.

    • - Price: Silver 300,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (200)Ancient Spirit Dust(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (201)Black Stone(1)


Mass of Pure Magic

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (202)

Weight: 0.35 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: A mass of pure energy that can be used to synthesize the concentrated magical power of black crystals.
    It is used to craft Flawless Magical Black Stones, which are required to enhance Blackstar weapons.
  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters or gathering
    Grinding Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor)
    Looting field bosses
    Hunting Khalks or whales
    Harvesting magical seeds or Mysterious Seeds
    Excavating the node Star's End
    Manufacturing Remnants of the Rift
    Complete [Weekly] Delivering Essence of Tunta quest

    • - Price: Silver 51,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (203)Black Spirit's Claw(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (204)Remnants of the Rift(1)


Destructive Illusion

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (205)

Weight: 0.30 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: A fragment from Star's End which has become smooth through corrosion. It is also known as the wish stone because it will show you what you desire when you stare into it.Many adventurers who have possessed the stone became lost in the illusion that the stone shows and have lost their lives, therefore some refer to the stone as the Destructive Illusion.


Mass of Pure Magic

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (206)

Weight: 0.35 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: A mass of pure energy that can be used to synthesize the concentrated magical power of black crystals.
    It is used to craft Flawless Magical Black Stones, which are required to enhance Blackstar weapons.
  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters or gathering
    Grinding Black Stone (Weapon) or Black Stone (Armor)
    Looting field bosses
    Hunting Khalks or whales
    Harvesting magical seeds or Mysterious Seeds
    Excavating the node Star's End
    Manufacturing Remnants of the Rift
    Complete [Weekly] Delivering Essence of Tunta quest

    • - Price: Silver 51,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (207)Black Spirit's Claw(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (208)Remnants of the Rift(1)

Black Stone

Caphras Stone

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (209)

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,790,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: It said that the immortal alchemist Caphras used stones like this as the ultimate catalyst. The stone is sometimes referred to as the solar stone, because of the intense and pure energy that emits from it. It can be used to unlock the full potential of a gear without the risk of experiencing any dark side effects.

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x5 and Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x1 into Caphras Stone x1.
    Use Simple Alchemy to combine Ancient Spirit Dust x50, Black Stone (Weapon) OR Black Stone (Armor) x10, and Black Stone Powder x1 to get Caphras Stone x10.

  • - How to obtain

    Defeating monsters in Balenos, Valencia, Kamasylvia, or Drieghan
    - How to Obtain: Mining, lumbering, fluid collecting (sap), fluid collecting (blood), underwater gathering, butchering, or tanning

    – Press RMB to start enhancement.

    • - Price: Silver 300,000
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (210)Ancient Spirit Dust(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (211)Black Stone(1)


Destructive Illusion

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (212)

Weight: 0.30 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Description: A fragment from Star's End which has become smooth through corrosion. It is also known as the wish stone because it will show you what you desire when you stare into it.Many adventurers who have possessed the stone became lost in the illusion that the stone shows and have lost their lives, therefore some refer to the stone as the Destructive Illusion.


Vell's Heart

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (213)

Weight: 0.05 LT

  • - Unrepairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Cannot be enhanced
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 15,400,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: The concentrated Alchemy Stone of Vell.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +8
    • All Accuracy +10
    • Ignores All Resistance +5%
    • Attack Speed +5%
    • Casting Speed +5%
  • - How to Use:
    • - Duration: 5 min.
  • – Growth Attempt: Unknown.
    – Fuel: Vell's Fine Powder and Mystical Spirit Powder
    – Polishing Material: Unknown.

  • - Durability
  • 150 / 150
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (214)Vell's Concentrated Magic(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (215)Alchemy Stone Shard(1500)


Sturdy Alchemy Stone of Destruction

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (216)

Weight: 0.05 LT

  • - Unrepairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Cannot be enhanced
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 38,600,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: Sturdy alchemy stone of destruction produced through alchemy.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +6
    • All Accuracy +8
  • - How to Use:
    • - Duration: 5 min.
  • - Growth Attempt: You need to be Alchemy Apprentice 1 or up.
    - Fuel: oil, blood, reagent
    - Polishing Material: pure metal crystal, ingot
    - Use Grinding in the Processing window (L)to get Alchemy Stone Shard.

    • - Price: Silver 160,000
  • - Durability
  • 150 / 150


Vell's Heart

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (217)

Weight: 0.05 LT

  • - Unrepairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Cannot be enhanced
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 15,400,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: The concentrated Alchemy Stone of Vell.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +8
    • All Accuracy +10
    • Ignores All Resistance +5%
    • Attack Speed +5%
    • Casting Speed +5%
  • - How to Use:
    • - Duration: 5 min.
  • – Growth Attempt: Unknown.
    – Fuel: Vell's Fine Powder and Mystical Spirit Powder
    – Polishing Material: Unknown.

  • - Durability
  • 150 / 150
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (218)Vell's Concentrated Magic(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (219)Alchemy Stone Shard(1500)


Sturdy Alchemy Stone of Destruction

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (220)

Weight: 0.05 LT

  • - Unrepairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Cannot be enhanced
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 38,600,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: Sturdy alchemy stone of destruction produced through alchemy.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +6
    • All Accuracy +8
  • - How to Use:
    • - Duration: 5 min.
  • - Growth Attempt: You need to be Alchemy Apprentice 1 or up.
    - Fuel: oil, blood, reagent
    - Polishing Material: pure metal crystal, ingot
    - Use Grinding in the Processing window (L)to get Alchemy Stone Shard.

    • - Price: Silver 160,000
  • - Durability
  • 150 / 150


Simple Cron Meal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (221)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Can be placed in the Family Inventory
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 382,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Supplied rations on ship: 22,000
  • - Description: A dish made for Cron Knights of the past to easily carry and eat.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP against Monsters +13
    • Combat EXP +10%
    • Skill EXP +5%
    • Attack Speed +1
    • Casting Speed +1
    • Movement Speed +2
    • Max HP +150
    • Chance to gain Knowledge +10%
    • Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +5%
    • Weight Limit +100LT
    • Down Attack Damage +5%
    • Damage from Monsters -6%
    • Heatstroke, Hypothermia Resistance +10%
    • - Duration: 120 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Cooking in the Processing window (L) to combine Knight Combat Rations x1, Mediah Meal x3, Valencia Meal x3, Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    Use Simple Cooking in the Processing window (L) to combine Serendia Meal x3, Special Drieghanese Meal x1, Mediah Meal x3, Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    ※ Higher-grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

  • * While this item is in effect the effects of other food items will not be applied, except Health EXP gain.
    * Only the effects of the last Cron Meal used will be applied (e.g. Seafood Cron Meal, Simple Cron Meal, Exquisite Cron Meal).

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (222)Knight Combat Rations(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (223)Mediah Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (224)Valencia Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (225)Ancient Cron Spice(1)


Exquisite Cron Meal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (226)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Can be placed in the Family Inventory
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 254,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Supplied rations on ship: 22,000
  • - Description: A dish created and enjoyed by Cron nobles of the past by combining rare food from all over the world.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +8
    • All Accuracy +15
    • Attack Speed +2
    • Casting Speed +2
    • Movement Speed +2
    • Critical Hit +2
    • All Evasion +15
    • Max HP +150
    • Max Stamina +200
    • Back Attack Damage +5%
    • Critical Hit Damage +5%
    • All Resistance +4%
    • Ignores All Resistance +4%
    • Special Attack Evasion Rate +5%
    • - Duration: 120 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Cooking in the processing window (L) to combine Special Arehaza Meal x1, Serendia Meal x3, Kamasylvia Meal x3 and Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    * Higher-grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

    * While this item is in effect the effects of other food items will not be applied, except Health EXP gain.
    * Only the effects of the last Cron Meal used will be applied.

    • - Price: Silver 20,050
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (227)Special Arehaza Meal(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (228)Serendia Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (229)Kamasylvia Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (230)Ancient Cron Spice(1)


Simple Cron Meal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (231)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Can be placed in the Family Inventory
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 382,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Supplied rations on ship: 22,000
  • - Description: A dish made for Cron Knights of the past to easily carry and eat.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP against Monsters +13
    • Combat EXP +10%
    • Skill EXP +5%
    • Attack Speed +1
    • Casting Speed +1
    • Movement Speed +2
    • Max HP +150
    • Chance to gain Knowledge +10%
    • Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +5%
    • Weight Limit +100LT
    • Down Attack Damage +5%
    • Damage from Monsters -6%
    • Heatstroke, Hypothermia Resistance +10%
    • - Duration: 120 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Cooking in the Processing window (L) to combine Knight Combat Rations x1, Mediah Meal x3, Valencia Meal x3, Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    Use Simple Cooking in the Processing window (L) to combine Serendia Meal x3, Special Drieghanese Meal x1, Mediah Meal x3, Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    ※ Higher-grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

  • * While this item is in effect the effects of other food items will not be applied, except Health EXP gain.
    * Only the effects of the last Cron Meal used will be applied (e.g. Seafood Cron Meal, Simple Cron Meal, Exquisite Cron Meal).

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (232)Knight Combat Rations(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (233)Mediah Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (234)Valencia Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (235)Ancient Cron Spice(1)


Exquisite Cron Meal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (236)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Can be placed in the Family Inventory
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 254,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Supplied rations on ship: 22,000
  • - Description: A dish created and enjoyed by Cron nobles of the past by combining rare food from all over the world.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +8
    • All Accuracy +15
    • Attack Speed +2
    • Casting Speed +2
    • Movement Speed +2
    • Critical Hit +2
    • All Evasion +15
    • Max HP +150
    • Max Stamina +200
    • Back Attack Damage +5%
    • Critical Hit Damage +5%
    • All Resistance +4%
    • Ignores All Resistance +4%
    • Special Attack Evasion Rate +5%
    • - Duration: 120 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Cooking in the processing window (L) to combine Special Arehaza Meal x1, Serendia Meal x3, Kamasylvia Meal x3 and Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    * Higher-grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

    * While this item is in effect the effects of other food items will not be applied, except Health EXP gain.
    * Only the effects of the last Cron Meal used will be applied.

    • - Price: Silver 20,050
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (237)Special Arehaza Meal(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (238)Serendia Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (239)Kamasylvia Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (240)Ancient Cron Spice(1)

Offensive Elixir

Spirit Perfume Elixir

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (241)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,170,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • MAX HP +300
    • Critical Hit Rate +5
    • MP/WP/SP Recovery every good hit +9
    • - Duration: 20 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    > It can be produced by using Alchemy Tool in your residence if Skilled 1 or up in Alchemy.

  • * Only the effects of the last elixir used will be applied (e.g. Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Khalk's Elixir, Elixir of Deep Sea, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Perfume of Charm).

    • - Price: Silver 15,540
    • - Crafting Materials(Skilled 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (242)Dead Tree Essence(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (243)Fruit of Nature(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (244)Loopy Tree Sap(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (245)Powder of Darkness(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (246)Violet Flower(2)

Defensive Elixir

Khalk's Elixir

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (247)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 3,340,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: An elixir with Fugitive Khalk's skin piece in it.
    • - Effect
    • All Resistance +10%
    • Damage Reduction +15
    • Max HP +100
    • Movement Speed +5%
    • - Duration: 20 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    It can be produced by using Alchemy Tool in your residence if Skilled 1 or up in Alchemy.

  • * Only the effects of the last elixir used will be applied (e.g. Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Khalk's Elixir, Elixir of Deep Sea, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Perfume of Charm).

    • - Price: Silver 156,540
    • - Crafting Materials(Skilled 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (248)Fugitive Khalk's Skin(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (249)White Cedar Sap(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (250)Trace of Chaos(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (251)Purified Water(4)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (252)Oil of Corruption(2)

Offensive Elixir

Spirit Perfume Elixir

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (253)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,170,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • MAX HP +300
    • Critical Hit Rate +5
    • MP/WP/SP Recovery every good hit +9
    • - Duration: 20 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    > It can be produced by using Alchemy Tool in your residence if Skilled 1 or up in Alchemy.

  • * Only the effects of the last elixir used will be applied (e.g. Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Khalk's Elixir, Elixir of Deep Sea, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Perfume of Charm).

    • - Price: Silver 15,540
    • - Crafting Materials(Skilled 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (254)Dead Tree Essence(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (255)Fruit of Nature(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (256)Loopy Tree Sap(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (257)Powder of Darkness(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (258)Violet Flower(2)

Defensive Elixir

Khalk's Elixir

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (259)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 3,340,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: An elixir with Fugitive Khalk's skin piece in it.
    • - Effect
    • All Resistance +10%
    • Damage Reduction +15
    • Max HP +100
    • Movement Speed +5%
    • - Duration: 20 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    It can be produced by using Alchemy Tool in your residence if Skilled 1 or up in Alchemy.

  • * Only the effects of the last elixir used will be applied (e.g. Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Khalk's Elixir, Elixir of Deep Sea, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Perfume of Charm).

    • - Price: Silver 156,540
    • - Crafting Materials(Skilled 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (260)Fugitive Khalk's Skin(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (261)White Cedar Sap(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (262)Trace of Chaos(5)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (263)Purified Water(4)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (264)Oil of Corruption(2)

Offensive Elixir

Frenzy Draught

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (265)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 4,890,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A draught with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP Against Monsters +30
    • All Accuracy +12
    • Max Stamina +200
    • All DP -15
    • Critical Hit Damage +10%
    • Weight Limit +100 LT
    • HP Recovery +3
    • - Duration: 15 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    Abyssal Essence x1
    Elixir of Demihuman Hunt x3
    Elixir of Frenzy x3
    Tears of the Falling Moon x1

  • - Usage: Gain the following effects or craft Frenzy Draught of Corruption
  • ※ Higher-grade versions of the same elixir can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

    ※ Type: Draught
    ※ While the draught's effects are active, only the effects of perfumes, Whale Tendon Elixirs, and Tough Whale Tendon Elixirs will be stacked.
    ※ Only the effects of the last draught used will be applied.

    • - Price: Silver 35,780
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (266)Abyssal Essence(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (267)Elixir of Demihuman Hunt(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (268)Elixir of Frenzy(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (269)Tears of the Falling Moon(1)

Offensive Elixir

Beast's Draught

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (270)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,260,000 Silver
  • - Description: A draught for offense.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP against Monsters +15
    • Combat EXP +20%
    • Skill EXP +10%
    • Damage from Monsters -10%
    • Weight Limit +100 LT
    • HP Recovery +3
    • - Duration: 15 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Grim Reaper's Elixir x3, EXP Elixir x3, Elixir of Will x3, and Tears of the Falling Moon x1.
    * Higher-grade versions of the same elixir can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

  • * While this item is in effect the effects of elixirs will not be applied, excluding those of Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Elixir of Deep Sea, Khalk's Elixir, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Whale Tendon Elixir or Tough Whale Tendon Elixir.
    * Only the effects of the last draught used will be applied.

    • - Price: Silver 45,780
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (271)Grim Reaper's Elixir(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (272)EXP Elixir(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (273)Elixir of Will(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (274)Tears of the Falling Moon(1)

Offensive Elixir

Frenzy Draught

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (275)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 4,890,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A draught with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP Against Monsters +30
    • All Accuracy +12
    • Max Stamina +200
    • All DP -15
    • Critical Hit Damage +10%
    • Weight Limit +100 LT
    • HP Recovery +3
    • - Duration: 15 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    Abyssal Essence x1
    Elixir of Demihuman Hunt x3
    Elixir of Frenzy x3
    Tears of the Falling Moon x1

  • - Usage: Gain the following effects or craft Frenzy Draught of Corruption
  • ※ Higher-grade versions of the same elixir can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

    ※ Type: Draught
    ※ While the draught's effects are active, only the effects of perfumes, Whale Tendon Elixirs, and Tough Whale Tendon Elixirs will be stacked.
    ※ Only the effects of the last draught used will be applied.

    • - Price: Silver 35,780
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (276)Abyssal Essence(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (277)Elixir of Demihuman Hunt(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (278)Elixir of Frenzy(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (279)Tears of the Falling Moon(1)

Offensive Elixir

Beast's Draught

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (280)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,260,000 Silver
  • - Description: A draught for offense.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP against Monsters +15
    • Combat EXP +20%
    • Skill EXP +10%
    • Damage from Monsters -10%
    • Weight Limit +100 LT
    • HP Recovery +3
    • - Duration: 15 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing window (L) to combine Grim Reaper's Elixir x3, EXP Elixir x3, Elixir of Will x3, and Tears of the Falling Moon x1.
    * Higher-grade versions of the same elixir can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

  • * While this item is in effect the effects of elixirs will not be applied, excluding those of Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Elixir of Deep Sea, Khalk's Elixir, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Whale Tendon Elixir or Tough Whale Tendon Elixir.
    * Only the effects of the last draught used will be applied.

    • - Price: Silver 45,780
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (281)Grim Reaper's Elixir(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (282)EXP Elixir(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (283)Elixir of Will(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (284)Tears of the Falling Moon(1)

Offensive Elixir

Elixir of Sharp Detection

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (285)

Weight: 0.70 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 2,390,000 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Critical Hit Damage +15%
    • - Duration: 15 min.
    • - Cooldown: 1 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Craft >Elixir of Detection

    • - Price: Silver 5,897
    • - Crafting Materials(Master 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (286)Oil of Storms(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (287)Pure Powder Reagent(6)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (288)White Truffle Mushroom(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (289)Trace of Savagery(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (290)Old Tree Bark(2)
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Artisan 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (291)Elixir of Detection(Skilled 1)

Offensive Elixir

Elixir of Endless Frenzy

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (292)

Weight: 0.70 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 855,000 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • All DP -8
    • All AP +13
    • - Duration: 8 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    There is a slight chance of obtaining Elixir of Endless Frenzy when producing Elixir of Frenzy if your Alchemy level is Artisan 1 or above.

    • - Price: Silver 5,402
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Artisan 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (293)Elixir of Frenzy(Skilled 1)

Offensive Elixir

Elixir of Brutal Carnage

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (294)

Weight: 0.70 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 565,000 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Down Attack Damage +15%
    • - Duration: 8 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    There is a slight chance of obtaining Elixir of Brutal Carnage when producing Elixir of Carnage if alchemy level is Artisan Lv. 1 or up.

    • - Price: Silver 6,054
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Artisan 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (295)Elixir of Carnage(Skilled 1)

Offensive Elixir

Elixir of Fierce Demihuman Hunt

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (296)

Weight: 0.70 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 73,000 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Extra Damage Against Demihumans +15
    • - Duration: 8 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    There is a slight chance of obtaining Elixir of Fierce Demihuman Hunt when producing Elixir of Demihuman Hunt if your Alchemy level is Professional 1 or above.

    • - Price: Silver 2,693
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Professional 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (297)Elixir of Demihuman Hunt(Apprentice 1)


Master's Stuffed Black Leopard Head

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (298)

Weight: 25.00 LT

  • Interior Points: 30 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 37,300,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A decorative object that can be installed in your House.
    Its Durability decreases with use. This object grants a special buff.
    -Special Effect: All AP +9 for 1 hour upon use
    • - Price: Silver 225,000
  • - Durability
  • 10 / 10
    • - Crafting Materials(Master 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (299)Artisan's Stuffed Black Leopard Head(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (300)Fire Horn(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (301)Usable Hide(60)


Vell's Heart

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (302)

Weight: 0.05 LT

  • - Unrepairable Item
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
  • - Cannot be enhanced
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 15,400,000,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Cannot be dyed
  • - Description: The concentrated Alchemy Stone of Vell.
    • - Effect
    • All AP +8
    • All Accuracy +10
    • Ignores All Resistance +5%
    • Attack Speed +5%
    • Casting Speed +5%
  • - How to Use:
    • - Duration: 5 min.
  • – Growth Attempt: Unknown.
    – Fuel: Vell's Fine Powder and Mystical Spirit Powder
    – Polishing Material: Unknown.

  • - Durability
  • 150 / 150
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (303)Vell's Concentrated Magic(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (304)Alchemy Stone Shard(1500)


Simple Cron Meal

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (305)

Weight: 0.10 LT

  • - Can be placed in the Family Inventory
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 382,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • Supplied rations on ship: 22,000
  • - Description: A dish made for Cron Knights of the past to easily carry and eat.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP against Monsters +13
    • Combat EXP +10%
    • Skill EXP +5%
    • Attack Speed +1
    • Casting Speed +1
    • Movement Speed +2
    • Max HP +150
    • Chance to gain Knowledge +10%
    • Chance to Gain Higher-Grade Knowledge +5%
    • Weight Limit +100LT
    • Down Attack Damage +5%
    • Damage from Monsters -6%
    • Heatstroke, Hypothermia Resistance +10%
    • - Duration: 120 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Use Simple Cooking in the Processing window (L) to combine Knight Combat Rations x1, Mediah Meal x3, Valencia Meal x3, Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    Use Simple Cooking in the Processing window (L) to combine Serendia Meal x3, Special Drieghanese Meal x1, Mediah Meal x3, Ancient Cron Spice x1.
    ※ Higher-grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

  • * While this item is in effect the effects of other food items will not be applied, except Health EXP gain.
    * Only the effects of the last Cron Meal used will be applied (e.g. Seafood Cron Meal, Simple Cron Meal, Exquisite Cron Meal).

    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (306)Knight Combat Rations(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (307)Mediah Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (308)Valencia Meal(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (309)Ancient Cron Spice(1)

Offensive Elixir

Spirit Perfume Elixir

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (310)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 1,170,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • MAX HP +300
    • Critical Hit Rate +5
    • MP/WP/SP Recovery every good hit +9
    • - Duration: 20 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    > It can be produced by using Alchemy Tool in your residence if Skilled 1 or up in Alchemy.

  • * Only the effects of the last elixir used will be applied (e.g. Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Khalk's Elixir, Elixir of Deep Sea, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Perfume of Charm).

    • - Price: Silver 15,540
    • - Crafting Materials(Skilled 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (311)Dead Tree Essence(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (312)Fruit of Nature(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (313)Loopy Tree Sap(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (314)Powder of Darkness(10)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (315)Violet Flower(2)

Offensive Elixir

Frenzy Draught

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (316)

Weight: 0.50 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 4,890,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A draught with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Extra AP Against Monsters +30
    • All Accuracy +12
    • Max Stamina +200
    • All DP -15
    • Critical Hit Damage +10%
    • Weight Limit +100 LT
    • HP Recovery +3
    • - Duration: 15 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy with the following materials
    Abyssal Essence x1
    Elixir of Demihuman Hunt x3
    Elixir of Frenzy x3
    Tears of the Falling Moon x1

  • - Usage: Gain the following effects or craft Frenzy Draught of Corruption
  • ※ Higher-grade versions of the same elixir can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

    ※ Type: Draught
    ※ While the draught's effects are active, only the effects of perfumes, Whale Tendon Elixirs, and Tough Whale Tendon Elixirs will be stacked.
    ※ Only the effects of the last draught used will be applied.

    • - Price: Silver 35,780
    • - Crafting Materials
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (317)Abyssal Essence(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (318)Elixir of Demihuman Hunt(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (319)Elixir of Frenzy(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (320)Tears of the Falling Moon(1)

Offensive Elixir

Elixir of Sharp Detection

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (321)

Weight: 0.70 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 2,390,000 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Critical Hit Damage +15%
    • - Duration: 15 min.
    • - Cooldown: 1 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    Craft >Elixir of Detection

    • - Price: Silver 5,897
    • - Crafting Materials(Master 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (322)Oil of Storms(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (323)Pure Powder Reagent(6)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (324)White Truffle Mushroom(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (325)Trace of Savagery(3)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (326)Old Tree Bark(2)
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Artisan 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (327)Elixir of Detection(Skilled 1)

Offensive Elixir

Elixir of Endless Frenzy

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (328)

Weight: 0.70 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 855,000 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • All DP -8
    • All AP +13
    • - Duration: 8 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    There is a slight chance of obtaining Elixir of Endless Frenzy when producing Elixir of Frenzy if your Alchemy level is Artisan 1 or above.

    • - Price: Silver 5,402
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Artisan 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (329)Elixir of Frenzy(Skilled 1)

Offensive Elixir

Elixir of Brutal Carnage

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (330)

Weight: 0.70 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 565,000 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Down Attack Damage +15%
    • - Duration: 8 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    There is a slight chance of obtaining Elixir of Brutal Carnage when producing Elixir of Carnage if alchemy level is Artisan Lv. 1 or up.

    • - Price: Silver 6,054
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Artisan 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (331)Elixir of Carnage(Skilled 1)

Offensive Elixir

Elixir of Fierce Demihuman Hunt

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (332)

Weight: 0.70 LT

  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 73,000 Silver
  • - Description: Elixir with an offensive function.
    • - Effect
    • Extra Damage Against Demihumans +15
    • - Duration: 8 min.
    • - Cooldown: 10 sec.
  • - How to obtain

    There is a slight chance of obtaining Elixir of Fierce Demihuman Hunt when producing Elixir of Demihuman Hunt if your Alchemy level is Professional 1 or above.

    • - Price: Silver 2,693
    • - Byproduct of Crafting(Professional 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (333)Elixir of Demihuman Hunt(Apprentice 1)


Master's Stuffed Black Leopard Head

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (334)

Weight: 25.00 LT

  • Interior Points: 30 Point
  • - Personal Transaction Unavailable
    • - Marketplace Information
    • Market Price: 37,300,000 Silver
    • Warehouse Capacity: 1.00 VT
  • - Description: A decorative object that can be installed in your House.
    Its Durability decreases with use. This object grants a special buff.
    -Special Effect: All AP +9 for 1 hour upon use
    • - Price: Silver 225,000
  • - Durability
  • 10 / 10
    • - Crafting Materials(Master 1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (335)Artisan's Stuffed Black Leopard Head(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (336)Fire Horn(1)
    • Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (337)Usable Hide(60)

Black Desert - Star’s End Rotation & Grinding Guide (2024)
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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.