Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (2024)

Champion Gear is the strongest gear you can make in Lords Mobile, but is also insanely costly. Given that most people might not have the budget to make a full champion set (or at least not have it right away), it’s important to understand which are the best champion pieces in Lords Mobile and give the biggest boost in stats.

I have posted my suggested order of making champion gear below, based on the following criteria :

  • Mixed set completeness – pieces which help complete a full mix set for wonder battles are placed higher.
  • The ratio of stats provided vs the cost to make – cheaper pieces are places higher.
  • Stats provided vs the non-champ counterpart – the champ pieces that give the most stats compared to the non-champ piece in that slot, are ranked higher on the list.

Update – Changed the ordering taking the gear pieces from the new monsters, like Hootclaw, Cottageroar, Arctic Flipper, Gawrilla, Necrosis, Serpent Gladiator etc., into account, since they became relatively cheaper to obtain from new labyrinth challenge and tycoon challenge.

You might also be interested in :

Infantry Gear

Ranged Gear

Cavalry Gear

Mix Gear

Recommended Order for Champion Gear

Below is my suggested order for making champion gear, and a comparison of stats with the best non-champ pieces.

1. Champion Stride

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (1)

  • Inf ATK 56%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 30.8%
  • Travel Speed 70%

Rare Material – 5 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (2) Crimson Mane

Infantry Blast Set – Champion Stride vs Storm Tasset

Inf Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Storm Tasset42%14%28%
Champion Stride70%30.8%0%

Mix Set – Champion Stride vs Storm Tasset

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Storm Tasset84%42%84%
Champion Stride98%92.4%0%

Is Champion Stride Worth Making?

  • Cost – The legs are the cheapest piece of champ gear to make, requiring only 5 rare materials.
  • Infantry Blast Set – Champion Stride gives 28% extra Inf ATK and 16.8% extra Inf HP compared to Storm Tasset, which is a pretty significant boost.
  • Mix set – The Army ATK & Army HP boost make it a great option for a mix set. While all 3 legs are good, I prefer Infantry legs the most, since they work very well for the most commonly used 424 comp on wonders.

2. Champion Light

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (3)

  • Inf ATK 49%
  • Cav ATK 42%
  • Army DEF 28%
  • Training Speed 14%

Rare Material – 6 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (4) Crimson Mane

Infantry Blast Set – Champion Light vs Eerie Lantern

Inf Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Eerie Lantern42%14%14%
Champion Light49%0%28%

Mix Set – Champion Light vs Eternal Codex

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Eternal Codex77%29%0%
Champion Light91%0%84%

Is Champion Light Worth Making?

  • Cost – The off hand is also a relatively cheaper piece to make, requiring 6 rare materials.
  • Mix set – While all the champion off hands provide same total stats, the inf-cav ATK boost provided by Champion Light is great for running the most commonly used 424 like comps in wonder battles, so I prefer is over others.
  • Training Speed – The 14% training speed boost is also nice to have.
  • Infantry Blast Set – Eerie Lantern comes very close in Inf stats to Champion Light, so this piece may not be useful just to make for blasts. However, Eerie Lantern is also costly to make and Cottageroar material is also required for Ghastly Cane, so you can consider making the champ piece directly given its usefulness in mix set as well as the training boost provided.

3. Champion Plate

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (5)

  • Rng ATK 56%
  • Army DEF 59.5%
  • Army HP 35%
  • Reduced Upkeep 72.8%

Rare Material – 10 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (6) Crimson Mane

Range Blast Set – Champion Plate vs Beastly Breastplate

Rng Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Beastly Breastplate49%21%28%
Champion Plate56%35%59.5%

Mix Set – Champion Plate vs Firewall Plate

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Firewall Plate70%63%0%
Champion Plate56%105%178.5%

Is Champion Plate Worth Making?

  • Reduced Upkeep – Costing 10 crimson manes, the Champ Plate is comparatively costly for the amount of boost it provides. However, the reduced upkeep stat provided by this piece earns it a higher rank, since it’s a must-have if you wanna be food positive!
  • Mix set – Champion plate has lesser total attack than Firewall Plate, however the Army HP & DEF provided by the champ plate is very important for wonder battles. The other champion armors also have higher total attack, but have lesser Army HP & DEF, so this is the best armor to use for mix gear.
  • Rng Set – Champion Plate gives 7% extra ATK, 14% HP & 31.5% DEF for Range set, compared to Beastly Breastplate, which is not a very huge boost in stats. However, Beastly Breastplate is also costly to make and Hootclaw material is also required for Lunar Boomerang, so the champ piece can be a good option to make.

4. Champion Helm

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (7)

  • Cav ATK 49%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 49%
  • Gold Production Rate 105%

Rare Material – 7 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (8) Crimson Mane

Cavalry Blast Set – Champion Helm vs Bumblehelm

Cav Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Champion Helm63%49%0%

Mix Set – Champion Helm vs Bumblehelm

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Champion Helm91%147%0%

Is Champion Helm Worth Making?

  • Cav Set – Champion Helm gives total 21% extra ATK & 21% HP for Cav set, compared to Bumblehelm, which is significantly better.
  • Mix set – The 14% Army ATK and 49% Army HP provided by the champ helm makes it a must have for wonders. The other champion helmets don’t have such a high HP, making this the best helmet to use for wonder rallies.
  • Note – The overall mix stats provided by Champion Helm in a mix set are more than Champion Plate, and it’s also relatively cheaper to make, costing 7 manes. So, if you’re just looking to improve your wonder battle stats and don’t care much about being food positive, then you should make this before the champ plate.

5. Champion Boots

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (9)

  • Rng ATK 56%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 30.8%
  • Travel Speed 70%

Rare Material – 5 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (10) Crimson Mane

Range Blast Set – Champion Boots vs Dragon’s Talon

Rng Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Dragon’s Talons42%21%0%
Champion Boots70%30.8%0%

Mix Set – Champion Boots vs Storm Tasset

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Storm Tasset84%42%84%
Champion Boots98%92.4%0%

Are Champion Boots Worth Making?

  • Cost – The range boots cost only 5 crimson manes to make. They are one of the best champ pieces to make for their value.
  • Rng Set – Champion Boots gives total 28% extra ATK for Rng set, along with a little bit of HP, making it a huge stats boost compared to Dragon’s Talon. Blizzard Pants are not recommended to make.
  • Mix set – The boots provide a huge 14% Army ATK & 30% Army HP boost, and are great to use in wonder battles for running 442 or 055 comps.

6. Champion Blade

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (11)

  • Inf ATK 28%
  • Rng ATK 28%
  • Army ATK 21%
  • Army DEF 23.8%
  • Research Speed 21%

Rare Material – 8 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (12) Crimson Mane

Infantry Blast Set – Champion Blade vs Ghastly Cane

Inf Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Ghastly Cane45.5%14%21%
Champion Blade49%0%23.8%

Mix Set – Champion Blade vs Skullcrusher

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Champion Blade119%0%71.4%

Is Champion Blade Worth Making?

  • Mix set – This piece shines in the mix set, giving 28% each Inf-Rng ATK stats in addition to 21% Army ATK. It’s the best champ main hand to make for overall stats and also a very nice piece to have for 442 like comps.
  • Infantry Blast Set – Champion Blade offers just a 3.5% improvement in Inf attack stats compared to Ghastly Cane, while losing 14% HP. It’s not worth making just for infantry blast set.

7. Champion Greaves

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (13)

  • Cav ATK 56%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 30.8%
  • Travel Speed 70%

Rare Material – 5 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (14) Crimson Mane

Cavalry Blast Set – Champion Greaves vs Gargantuan Belt

Cav Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Gargantuan Belt52.5%38.5%21%
Champion Greaves70%30.8%0%

Mix Set – Champion Greaves vs Storm Tasset

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Storm Tasset84%42%84%
Champion Greaves98%92.4%0%

Are Champion Greaves Worth Making?

  • Cost – The champ greaves are among the cheapest pieces to make needing 5 manes.
  • Cav Set – Champion Greaves give extra 17.5% ATK for Cav set, with a slight loss in HP & DEF, compared to Gargantuan Belt. Although it’s still a decent boost to your cav stats, it’s not as high as other pieces, so I have placed it lower.
  • Mix set – Provides a very nice 14% Army ATK & 30.8% Army HP, and can be used in wonders for cav heavy comps like 208 or to balance out stats in mixed set if you are using 3 Ambrosial Cups.

8. Champion Faith

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (15)

  • Inf ATK 21%
  • Cav ATK 21%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 35%

Rare Material – 14 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (16) Crimson Mane

Cavalry Blast Set – Champion Faith vs Rowdy Resolve

Cav Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Rowdy Resolve35%14%10.5%
Champion Faith35%35%0%

Mix Set – Champion Faith vs Ambrosial Cup

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Ambrosial Cup70%42%0%
Champion Faith84%105%0%

Is Champion Faith Worth Making?

  • Mix set – The 14% Army ATK & 35% Army HP, makes Champ Faiths a must have, if you are seriously considering competing for top level wonder battles against maxed players. You also have the option to make Champion Valor for cav (or 2 faiths & 1 valor), if you want. However, I prefer faiths over valor because of the Inf-Cav stats they provide for a 424 comp. The gear costs 14 manes to make though making it the most expensive piece in the game, hence placing it a bit lower.
  • Cavalry Blast Set – Champion Faith used to be a huge improvement over Fear Drums, but the new accessory Rowdy Resolve from Gawilla, almost has same stats for cav blast. The champ piece only offers a little additional HP, so not worth making just for blast set anymore.

9. Champion Edge

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (17)

  • Cav ATK 49%
  • Army ATK 21%
  • Army DEF 23.8%
  • Research Speed 21%

Rare Material – 8 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (18) Crimson Mane

Cavalry Blast Set – Champion Edge vs Eon Axe

Cav Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Eon Axe52.5%14%14%
Champion Edge70%0%23.8%

Mix Set – Champion Edge vs Skullcrusher

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Champion Edge112%0%71.4%

Is Champion Edge Worth Making?

  • Cav Set – Champion Edge gives total 17.5% extra ATK for Cav set, compared to Eon Axe, but gives 14% less HP. There is not a huge difference in stats, however, Eon Axe is difficult to make, specially because the materials from Gawrilla might also be required for making Rowdy Resolve for cav set, so can consider making the champ piece.
  • Mix set – It is quite close in stats to skullcrusher. However it can be useful for cav heavy comps like 208 in wonder rallies. Champ Blade has better overall stats though, so if only making one piece for mix set, I would recommend making that.

10. Champion Katar

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (19)

  • Cav ATK 49%
  • Rng ATK 42%
  • Army DEF 28%
  • Training Speed 14%

Rare Material – 6 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (20) Crimson Mane

Cavalry Blast Set – Champion Katar vs Lunar Boomerang

Cav Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Lunar Boomerang42%21%21%
Champion Katar49%0%28%

Mix Set – Champion Katar vs Eternal Codex

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Eternal Codex77%29%0%
Champion Katar91%0%84%

Is Champion Katar Worth Making?

  • Cost – Champion Katar is relatively cheaper, requiring 6 rare materials.
  • Cav Set – It gives total 18.2% extra ATK for Cav set, although it looses 28% HP. It’s a decent option to make after finishing other champ pieces mentioned above.
  • Mix set – The piece provides Rng-Cav stats, and is a nice addition to 055 set for wonders.

11. Champion Visor

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (21)

  • Inf ATK 35%
  • Rng ATK 35%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 28%
  • Gold Production 105%

Rare Material – 7 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (22) Crimson Mane

Infantry Blast Set – Champion Visor vs Beast Helm

Inf Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Beast Helm42%21%0%
Champion Visor49%28%0%

Mix Set – Champion Visor vs Bumblehelm

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Champion Visor112%84%0%

Is Champion Visor Worth Making?

  • Inf Set – Champion Visor gives an extra 7% Inf ATK & 7% Inf HP boost compared to Beast Helm. It doesn’t give enough of a boost for 7 manes in my opinion, so you can skip if you want.
  • Mix set – It’s a nice piece to have for a mix set though, giving 14% Army ATK & 28% Army HP. It’s especially nice for running 442 like comps.

12. Champion Cuirass

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (23)

  • Cav ATK 42%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army DEF 49%
  • Army HP 21%
  • Reduced Upkeep 72.8%

Rare Material – 10 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (24) Crimson Mane

Cavalry Blast Set – Champion Cuirass vs Firewall Plate

Cav Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Firewall Plate42%21%0%
Champion Cuirass56%21%49%

Mix Set – Champion Cuirass vs Firewall Plate

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Firewall Plate70%63%0%
Champion Cuirass84%63%147%

Is Champion Cuirass Worth Making?

  • Cav Set – Champion Cuirass gives an extra 14% Cav ATK boost compared to Firewall Plate, which is not enough to justify it’s high cost of 10 manes in my opinion. Recommend skipping this or only making after other pieces.
  • Mix set – It does provide nice mix stats though, giving 14% Army ATK, 21% Army HP & 49% DEF, making it a nice piece to use for wonder battles for cav heavy comps like 208.

13. Champion Lamp

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (25)

  • Rng ATK 49%
  • Inf ATK 42%
  • Army DEF 28%
  • Training Speed 14%

Rare Material – 6 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (26) Crimson Mane

Range Blast Set – Champion Lamp vs Eternal Codex

Rng Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Eternal Codex49%0%0%
Champion Lamp49%0%28%

Mix Set – Champion Lamp vs Eternal Codex

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Eternal Codex77%29%0%
Champion Lamp91%0%84%

Is Champion Lamp Worth Making?

  • Rng Set – Champion Lamp offers almost no boost compared to Eternal Codex. Not worth making for blast stats.
  • Mix set – It’s a decent piece to use for a mix comp like 442, specially given it’s lower cost of 6 manes.

14. Champion Armet

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (27)

  • Rng ATK 35%
  • Cav ATK 35%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 28%
  • Gold Production 105%

Rare Material – 7 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (28) Crimson Mane

Range Blast Set – Champion Armet vs Wyrmbone Coronet

Rng Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Wyrmbone Coronet45.5%17.5%28%
Champion Armet49%28%0%

Mix Set – Champion Armet vs Bumblehelm

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Champion Armet112%84%0%

Is Champion Armet Worth Making?

  • Rng Set – Champion Armet doesn’t give a lot of boost for range set compared to Wyrmbone Coronet, so not worth making, specially given it needs 7 rare materials.
  • Mix set – Gives 14% Army ATK & 28% Army HP, so it’s a nice piece to use in mix set, specially for running comps like 244 or 055.

15. Champion Greatsword

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (29)

  • Cav ATK 28%
  • Rng ATK 28%
  • Army ATK 21%
  • Army DEF 23.8%
  • Research Speed 21%

Rare Material – 8 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (30) Crimson Mane

Range Blast Set – Champion Greatsword vs Skullcrusher

Rng Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Champion Greatsword49%0%23.8%

Mix Set – Champion Greatsword vs Skullcrusher

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Champion Greatsword119%0%71.4%

Is Champion Greatsword Worth Making?

  • Rng Set – Champion Greatsword has almost no improvement compared to Skullcrusher, not worth making for range stats.
  • Mix set – Decent piece for mix gear for running a 244 or 055 like comp for wonder battles.

16. Champion Valor

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (31)

  • Rng ATK 21%
  • Cav ATK 21%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 35%

Rare Material – 14 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (32) Crimson Mane

Range Blast Set – Champion Valor vs Ambrosial Cup

Rng Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Ambrosial Cup35%21%0%
Champion Valor35%35%0%

Mix Set – Champion Valor vs Ambrosial Cup

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Ambrosial Cup70%42%0%
Champion Valor84%105%0%

Is Champion Valor Worth Making?

  • Rng Set – The champ piece gives only a very small boost compared to Ambrosial Cups, so it’s not worth making for blast set, given it’s insanely high cost of 14 crimson manes.
  • Mix set – It’s got great stats for a mix piece, same as other accessories, and is really nice for running 055 like comps, so can make for that, but it has a very high cost.

17. Champion Blessing

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (33)

  • Inf ATK 21%
  • Rng ATK 21%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army HP 35%

Rare Material – 14 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (34) Crimson Mane

Infantry Blast Set – Champion Blessing vs Ambrosial Cup

Inf Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Ambrosial Cup35%21%0%
Champion Blessing35%35%0%

Mix Set – Champion Blessing vs Ambrosial Cup

Note : Stat = Inf Stat + Rng Stat + Cav Stat + Army Stat * 3

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Ambrosial Cup70%42%0%
Champion Blessing84%105%0%

Is Champion Blessing Worth Making?

  • Inf Set – The champ piece gives only a very small boost compared to Ambrosial Cups, so it’s not worth making for a blast set, for a high cost of 14 crimson manes.
  • Mix set – It’s got great stats for a mix piece, same as other accessories, and is really nice for running a 442 like comp, so can make for that. I’ve placed it low because of it’s very high cost.

18. Champion Mail

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (35)

  • Inf ATK 42%
  • Army ATK 14%
  • Army DEF 49%
  • Army HP 21%
  • Reduced Upkeep 72.8%

Rare Material – 10 x Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (36) Crimson Mane

Infantry Blast Set – Champion Mail vs Terror Shield

Inf Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Terror Shield49%56%0%
Champion Mail56%21%49%

Mix Set – Champion Mail vs Firewall Plate

Total Stats ->ATKHPDEF
Firewall Plate70%63%0%
Champion Mail84%63%147%

Is Champion Mail Worth Making?

  • Inf Set – Champ Mail offers a very tiny improvement over Terror Shield, which definitely doesn’t justify it’s high cost of 10 manes. Not worth making in my opinion.
  • Mix set – Can be useful for running inf heavy comps in wonder.

Ending Notes

With the new Labyrinth Challenge and Tycoon Challenge, the gear from new monsters has now become cheaper and some of the pieces come close in stats to the champion piece, specially for blast sets.

However, champion gear still reigns supreme for mix set, and is essential if you want to compete in wonder rallies against big players.

Have a different recommendation for upgrading the Champion Pieces? What champion gear are you working on first? Do let us know in the comments!

Best Champion Gear Pieces in Lords Mobile - Lords Mobile Pro (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.